Page 193 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 193

STS579 Nazaria Baharudin et al.
            Malaysia  (JKSM).    Meanwhile,  Department  of  Statistics  Malaysia  (DOSM)  is
            responsible to process and disseminate vital statistics.

            1.3  Governance of CRVS in Malaysia
                Main National CRVS Stakeholders in Malaysia are Ministry of Home Affairs
            (MOHA), Ministry of Health (MOH), National Registration Department (NRD)
            and Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), 14 states religious department,
            JAKIM and JKSM.
                The Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) has commissioned two committees
            for the implementation of CRVS in Malaysia, namely the Steering Committee
            and  the  Technical  Committee.  The  Steering  Committee  is  responsible  to
            approve the plans, monitors the progress of the implementation of measures,
            to assess performance targets (goals and targets) and confirmed reports of
            CRVS activities in Malaysia. The Steering Committee is chaired by the Secretary
            General of MOHA.
                Meanwhile,  the  Technical  Committee  is  responsible  for  submitting  the
            plans,  suggesting  performance  targets  (goals  and  targets)  and  to  submit
            reports  on  the  implementation  CRVS  activities  in  Malaysia.  The  Technical
            Committee  will  be  chaired  by  the  Director  General  of  NRD.  As  for  vital
            statistics,  DOSM  is  responsible  to  compile,  analyse  and  disseminate  the
            statistics to public. There are three working groups in DOSM which established
            to ensure the quality of vital statistics is in line with international standard. The
            working  groups  are  namely  Technical  Working  Group  (TWG),  Inter-agency
            Planning Group (IAPG) and DOSM’s Publication Committee.

            2.  Recent Monitoring and Assessment Exercises
            2.1  Assessment on coverage
               The assessment study for coverage of birth registration has shown more
            than  90  per  cent  complete  for  Peninsular  Malaysia  from  the  1960s.  This
            comparison has been made between the number of births registered with the
            number  of  children  as  well  as  estimates  of  fertility  from  censuses  have
            indicates that the birth registration is virtually complete. Assessment of death
            registration  coverage  was  made  during  the  preparation  of  life  tables  for
            Peninsular Malaysia showed no major problems in under registration of deaths
            except perhaps a very small amount of under registration at old ages.
               In  2016,  the  Department  of  Statistics  Malaysia  once  again  conducts  an
            assessment review for birth registration and death coverage using data 2014.
            The study found that birth registration coverage rates for all states in Malaysia
            exceeded 95 per cent. The highest rate was recorded by Selangor of 99.0 per
            cent while the lowest rate was recorded by Sabah (95.4%).

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