Page 253 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 253

STS583 Michael W. et al.
            over any wrong MOS as well as the difference between the census and the
            satellite based MOS will most likely develop further in favor of the latter MOS.
                As an additional comparison we have also created an MOS from the 2010
            WorldPop dataset, and results are shown in .. bellow.

                    Target Value & Design   MSE Est. Pop. Mean CV% Deff n_psu n_ssu Est. Pop. Total
             Age PPS (worldpop)             1.29   21.12   1.49 1.47  80  12    953002
             Employment PPS (worldpop)      4.15   0.45    4.52 3.65  71  12    950801
             Employment PPS (Worldpop, calibrated) 0.23  0.46  0  0  71   12    951416
             Population Count PPS (WorldPop)  2.81   0     3.31 Inf  120  12    952117
             Consumption PPS (WorldPop)     0.92  563706.29  0.96 1.28  71  12  219860

            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                Our research successfully demonstrated the use of remote sensing data to
            improve multi-purpose household surveys. In particular when the sampling
            frame is not accessible or severely outdated, the creation of a sampling frame
            from remotely sensed data of built-up area or gridded population data may
            pose a serious alternative and allows for estimates with an acceptable degree
            of  precision.  However  remote  sensing  data  may  also  add  additional
            information  to  the  sampling  frame,  which  allows  for  a  more  efficient
                With the increase in publicly available satellite date with a high degree of
            detail we may most likely also see an increase in applications of this approach.
            Processing of the data could be done with standard open-source software,
            however the paper is also accompanied by a cloud application which supports
            the herein discussed approaches through a GUI.

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