Page 276 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 276

STS587 Hui W. et al.
                  longer refers to specific products. Exact units of measurement are somewhat
                  (6)  Output measurement for services
                      Data are available on the value or cost of product transacted for service
                  producing industries, but hard to measure real output. The key issue is how to
                  decompose  value  into  meaningful  quantity  (measurement  unit)  and  price
                  (7)  The case of health care services
                      The patient purchases medical treatment for improving his or her health
                  status.  Disease  treatment  is  the  output  of  health  care  services.  The
                  fundamental problem is to separate the value of medical expenses into price
                  and quantity components in order to measure real output of health care. In
                  what  units  do  you  measure  output-  not  necessarily  by  the  visit  or  the
                  procedure. This is doctors’ “output”. It is challenging to determine the level of
                  output and tell if improvements in technology have increased outcome-based
                  output over time?

                  3.2 New problems – intangibles and impact of globalization
                      New diseases have developed: Increasing role of intangible capital;
                  Globalization blurs national boundaries.
                  (1)    Intangible capital
                      In  the  digital  economy,  investment  in  intangibles  has  become  the
                  dominant source of business capital formation, far outstripping the rate of
                  investment in tangible plants and equipment. Measuring intangible capital
                  presents a host of problems, since much of it is produced with firms on "own
                  account" without a market transaction to fix prices and quantities. R&D, a key
                  component  of  intangibles,  is  capitalised  in  national  accounts  in  OECD
                  countries by input approach.
                  (2)    Economic impact of globalisation
                      Globalisation is the process of integrating national economic structure and
                  production  with  the  rest  of  the  world  ad  blurs  national  boundaries.  Firms
                  organise  their  production  and  marketing  at  a  global  level,  often  spanning
                  several countries. Household and firm spending become more international.
                  Capital, in particular intellectual property, can be used simultaneously across
                  the world in a multinational enterprise. Labour is mobile and income returned
                  to home country can be an important part of national disposable income.
                  (3)    Transactions brought about by globalization
                      Trade  in  services——Call  centres,  Software  programming,  Legal  and
                  accounting  services,  Medical  services.  Globalisation  of  production——
                  Smartphone:  design  &  software  in  U.S.,  assembled  in  China.  Car
                  manufacturing: bumper, seatbelts, climate controls, etc, in different countries.
                  Clothes: cost is 20% of retail price, made in emerging economies.

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