Page 281 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 281

STS587 Shujian X. et al.
            macroeconomic data and productivity paradox. Therefore, the OECD (2018)
            proposes a general digital economy supply and use framework to meet the
            needs of macroeconomic analysis and related policy formulation.
                At present, China is facing the circumstance of slowing economic growth
            and productivity paradox. The measurement of the structure of its economy,
            especially the digital economy is paid highly attention around the world. One
            of China’s mainstream research on the structure of digital economy by CAICT
            carries  out  its  statistical  measurement  from  the  two  dimensions  involving
            digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. As for the methodology,
            the scale of digitization is mainly based on the estimation of contribution rate
            of  digital  technology  to  traditional  industries.  However,  the  technical
            contribution rate cannot be equated with the scale of the digital economy. At
            the same time, it is difficult to describe the impact of different types of digital
            transactions on various traditional industries.
                With reference to relevant research, this paper explores the feasibility of
            constructing a more comprehensive and in-depth input-output framework to
            depict  the  value  chain  between  producers  and  consumers,  as  well  as  the
            supply and intermediate use of various products in the digital economy. On
            the basis of previous OECD research and System of National Accounts 2008
            (SNA 2008), this paper develops a deeper understanding and more general
            characteristics of the digital economy and its satellite account framework and
            lays the foundation of this framework by conducting a comparison of digital
            industry  and  product  classifications  between  OECD  and  China.  The
            significance  of  developing  the  framework  is  to  try  to  construct  a
            comprehensive  and  feasible  data  accounting  system  and  to  systematically
            analyze  the  contribution  and  influence  of  the  digital  economy  at  different
            economic development stages. The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
            section2 demonstrates the theoretical foundation of related methodologies in
            our  research;  section3  presents  the  result  and  analysis;  section4  draws
            conclusions and gives several suggestions.

            2.  Methodology
            2.1 The basics on satellite account
                The  Satellite  Account  is  an  auxiliary  accounting  system  that  modifies
            specific accounting elements on the basis of SNA Central system with good
            flexibility  and  expandability.  Broadly  speaking,  satellite  accounts  can  be
            divided into two categories: one is called an internal satellite account, which
            selects and rearranges a group of key sectors from the industry and product
            sector classification of the central framework based on the research topic; the
            other category is called external satellite accounts, which is mainly designed
            for the extension in production, consumption and capital formation etc.. The
            difference  between  the  two  is  that  the  former  focuses  on  selective  local
            refinement while the latter focuses on overall expansion.

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