Page 280 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 280

STS587 Shujian X. et al.
                  1.  Introduction
                      At present, the global economy is gradually entering the era of digital
                  economy.  Due  to  the  different  degrees  of  integration  between  digital
                  technology  and  traditional  economy  in  the  world,  countries  have  not  yet
                  reached  a  consensus  on  the  definition  of  digital  economy.  Countries  at
                  different stages of development have different definitions. On the basis of the
                  "G20  Digital  Economy  Development  and  Cooperation  Initiative",  the  China
                  Academy  of  Information  and  Communications  Technology  (CAICT)(2018)
                  defines  the  digital  economy  as  "a  digital  production  of  knowledge  and
                  information as the key production factor, with digital technology innovation
                  as the core driving force, with modern information networks as the important
                  carrier,  through  the  deep  integration  of  digital  technology  and  the  real
                  economy, continuously improves the digitalization and intelligence level of
                  traditional industries, and accelerates the reconstruction of the new economic
                  form  of  economic  development  and  government  governance  model.  The
                  Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)  defines
                  the connotation and extension of the digital economy from the perspective of
                  inclusive development and digital transaction accounting. It points out that
                  the digital economy is standardized, dynamic, and data-driven. The essential
                  characteristics  of  structural  dispersion,  and  the  digital  economy  can  be
                  identified by whether the transaction activity is digitally ordered, platform-
                  enabled or digitally delivered.
                      Regarding  the  overall  development  trend  of  the  digital  economy  and
                  relevant statistical problems, the results of CAICT studies (2018) show that the
                  digital economy of the G20 countries is developing at a high speed. The digital
                  economy  of  China  in  2017  reached  4.02  trillion  US  dollars,  second  to  the
                  United States. However, the deepening of digital technology in the world is
                  facing the Solow productivity paradox: although the digital economy in the
                  world is developing rapidly, the productivity growth rate of all countries is
                  generally facing a downward trend. For example, the secretariat of Asia-Pacific
                  Economic Cooperation (APEC) (2018) estimates that from 2000 to 2017, both
                  the  industrialized  and  developing  economies  of  the  APEC  region  have  a
                  tendency to decline in labor productivity growth.
                      In response to this problem, Shujian Xiang and Wenjun Wu (2018) reviews
                  that the OECD has repeatedly pointed out in recent studies that the current
                  slowdown in productivity growth may be due to the limitations of existing
                  statistical methods in accounting for the digital economy and conducted a
                  series of in-depth theoretical discussions and empirical analysis on the official
                  statistics of OECD countries. The results of existing studies indicate that the
                  current  national  economic  accounting  framework  generally  lacks  sufficient
                  explanations for the digital economic phenomenon. It has limited information
                  on the main body, the transactions and products of the digital economy. This
                  will  cause  statistical  mismeasurement,  causing  problems  in  the  analysis  of

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