Page 300 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 300

STS637 Reem I. M. E.
                  3. Speed: The speed of data access and analysis to suit business requirements.
                  4. Health and accuracy: the reliability of data after analysis of decision makers

                      Big data is characterized as data sets of increasing volume, velocity and
                  variety; the 3 V's. Big data is often largely unstructured, meaning that it has no
                  pre-defined data model and/or does not fit well into conventional relational
                  databases. Apart from generating new commercial opportunities in the private
                  sector,  Big  data  is  also  potentially  very  interesting  as  an  input  for  official
                  statistics; either for use on its own, or in combination with more traditional
                  data sources such as sample surveys and administrative sources.

                                          Figure (1): The four V’s of Big Data

                     Sources: Mckinsey global institute, Twitter, Cisco, EMC, SAS, IBM, MEPTEC.

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