Page 302 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 302

STS637 Reem I. M. E.
                                     Table (1): Projects and Initiatives of Big Data

                   Project              Key Features
                                        -   The aim of the Project is to produce the indicators
                                            of price indexes in a more innovative way, using
                                            internet  to  collect  prices  data  in  a  way  that  is
                                            faster,  more  accurate,  higher  quality,  and
                                            integrated; to produce instant reports to support
                                            decision taking.
                                        -   There is an actual agreement with three sources
                   Collecting data for      to send a list of major commodity groups. Also,
                   consumer price           there is current coordination between the Sector
                                            of Regional Branches and the Sector of Economic
                                            and Mobilization Statistics to choose ten sources
                                            to collect prices data.
                                        -   CAPMAS trains and qualifies (2) employees from
                                            the source on technological courses at CAPMAS,
                                            according  to  the  protocol  signed  between  the
                                            source and CAPMAS.
                                        -   The project aims at utilizing satellite images (as a
                                            source  of  Big  Data)  in  addition  to  agricultural
                                            statistics  to  measure  the  productivity  of  main
                                            agricultural crops, management of field irrigation
                                            and  water  allocation,  similar  to  the  Australian
                   Measuring crop
                   production by            experience in this regard.
                                            There  is  current  coordination  with  Ministry  of
                   satellite images     -
                                            Agriculture and a protocol for cooperation with
                                            the  National  Authority  for  Remote  Sensing  and
                                            Space Sciences – NARSS and the Arab League to
                                            use  periodically  updated  satellite  images  in  the
                                        -   The aim is to track the movements of patients with
                   Tracking the             Hepatitis  through  spatial  data  of  mobiles,  to
                   movements of             control and reduce the prevalence rate, similar to
                   patients with            the American experience in this regard.
                   epidemic diseases,   -   Coordination with Ministry of Health to choose (2)
                   such as Hepatitis        governmental hospitals and (2) private hospitals
                                            to initiate the project.
                                        -   The Project aims to collect data on each cancer
                   Big Data and health      patient in the country, to determine and analyze
                   care                     patterns or trends, to suggest ways of treatment,
                                            follow-up treatment results, and provide tips to

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