Page 297 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 297

STS637 Reem I. M. E.

                            Using big data in monitoring indicators of
                             sustainable development goals in Egypt
                                  Reem Ismail Mohamed Elsybaey*
                                         CAPMAS Cairo – Egypt

            Big Data is a collection of data sources, technologies and methodologies that
            have revealed from, and to, utilize the huge growth in data creation over the
            past decade. It is also data on a massive scale in terms of volume, intensity,
            and complexity that exceed the capacity of standard analytic tools. Although
            there is no agreed-on definition, the term is often characterized by the 3Vs—
            high-volume, high-velocity, and high-variety. More Vs have been added over
            time, such as veracity and volatility. Data sets become so large and complex
            that traditional data-processing applications become insufficient to capture,
            store, and analyze these data. Instead, a network of human skills, advanced
            technologies, and data access infrastructure are essential to handle big data.
            This  is  a  key  challenge  for  policymakers  seeking  to  combine  big  data  in
            monitoring their sustainable development plans. The availability of big data
            provides a unique opportunity to support the achievements of the SDG’s like
            never  before.  As  the  post‐2015  development  agenda  has  now  been
            established,  strengthening  data  production  and  the  use  of  better  data  in
            policymaking  and  monitoring  are  becoming  increasingly  recognized  as
            fundamental  means  for  development.  There  is  potential  for  big  data  to
            produce new SDGs indicators, bridge time lags, and support the forecasting
            of existing data sets, as well as serve as a new innovative data source in the
            production of official statistics. To set the foundation for long-term success,
            an important understanding of the opportunities and challenges that come
            with big data is essential. There are Challenges come with big data concerned
            with  data  quality,  difficulties  with  access,  and  new  required  skills  and
            technologies which represents the main challenges of big data. CAPMAS the
            NSO  (National  Statistics  Office)  in Egypt  is  member  of  UN  Global  working
            group (GWG) on Big Data for Official Statistics. There is a communication with
            national, regional and international organizations in terms of open data and
            big data. CAPMAS also participating in official events related to accessibility
            to relevant sources of big and geospatial data for SDGs indicators reporting.
            One of big data projects at CAPMAS is the cooperation with Hyper Markets in
            compiling data prices for CPI creation. This project will Increase the degree of
            quality of CPI and reducing overhead for respondents and errors.

            Challenges, Data quality, SDGs indicators

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