Page 299 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 299

STS637 Reem I. M. E.
            2015). This definition highlights the fact that data revolution should increase
            the use and impact of data on results.

            Types of Data:
            1-Structured data: - Regular databases, tables with more reliable relationships,
            get accurate information (statistical tables).
            2- Semi Structured data: - Partial data is structured and another is unstructured
            3- Unstructured data: - We cannot deal with it by using normal databases and
            thus become within the big data (unstructured data represent 80% of the data
            in the world).

                Recently, there has been an urgent need for the use of non-traditional data
            sources, especially big data that has not yet been used to produce official
            statistics or to extract information related to various statistics such as health,
            economics, labor, transport, migration and the environment.
                The  availability  of  big  data  is  a  unique  opportunity  to  support  the
            International  Sustainable  Development  Agenda  2030,  as  never  before.
            Enhanced data production and use in policy development and monitoring are
            increasingly recognized as an essential tool for development.
                The MDG monitoring experience has clearly demonstrated that effective
            use of data can help promote development efforts, implementing programs,
            monitoring  performance  and  improving  responsiveness  to  the  increasing
            demand  for  data.  Therefore,  the  Sustainable  development  requires  a  data
            revolution to improve the availability, quality, timeliness and classification of
            data to support the implementation of the sustainable development plan at
            all levels in all regions. Also the localization of the sustainable development
            goals on the basis of local priorities will be key to making them concrete and
                Big data sources should be effectively used to enrich the sources of official
            statistics so that data needs can be met in new and timely development areas,
            and detailed spatial data can be produced and made available to decision
            makers.  This  show  that  the  innovative  power  and  transformation  of
            information technology can be utilized from data collection through mobile
            phones to data dissemination through advanced data visualization tools, such
            as visualizing data on maps.
                Big  data  are  data  sources  that  can  be  –generally–  described  as:  “high
            volume, velocity and variety of data that demand cost-effective, innovative
            forms of processing for enhanced insight and decision making.”
            Big data characteristics:
            1. Size: The number of terabytes of data obtained daily.
            2. Diversity: The diversity of data between structured, unstructured and semi-
            structured and diverse sources of different sites and different data, whether
            images or videos or emails and others.

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