Page 298 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 298

STS637 Reem I. M. E.
                  1.  Introduction
                      When we work to prepare economic, social or demographic studies to
                  develop  a  strategic  vision,  or  to  diagnose  our  reality,  our  first  tool  is  the
                  economic, social and demographic statistics and data that form the basis for
                  decision makers and researchers.
                      Statistical data represent an indispensable indicators of the characteristics
                  of  the  strategy  or  the  researcher  or  even  the  analyst.  Official  statistics are
                  statistics issued by government institutions and official institutions within the
                  state. These statistics include many demographic, economic and social fields
                  according  to  statistical  treatments  consistent  with  international  standards
                      Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) is the main
                  body of the national statistical system, which includes partners for statistical
                  work,  to  be  responsible  for  coordination  among  them  in  the  field  of  data
                  dissemination. CAPMAS relies on a variety of sources of data, namely censuses,
                  field surveys, and administrative sources.
                      The main purpose of official statistics is to use them to identify general
                  trends  in  society  and  decision-making,  whether  this  decision  is  public  or
                  private, because they carry many benefits for the benefit of citizens. The value
                  of  official  statistics  is  becoming  more  and  more  user-friendly  because  its
                  content creates a general understanding of the state and trends in the country
                  and the world. Therefore, official statistics are of the utmost importance as
                  -  To provide the official statistical figure based on accurate scientific bases
                     according to the latest international recommendations and standards in
                     the field of preparing official statistics in all fields to meet the needs of
                     policy makers, decision makers and interested parties from one source.
                  -  The  need  to  raise  statistical  awareness  through  the  provision  of
                     information  through  the  media  and  cooperation  with  universities  and
                     other  research  institutions  and  to  ensure  the  citizen's  right  to  access
                     information on the basis that the statistics is a public good.
                  -  Provide  official,  correct  and  unbiased  statistics  on  demographic,  social,
                     economic and environmental conditions and trends to serve citizens.

                  2.  Methodology
                      Transformation of data to big data revealed a lot of questions Why Data
                  Revolution? What factors led to the data revolution? What is the need for data
                      The  report,  prepared  by  the  United  Nations  Secretary-General's
                  Independent  Advisory  Group  of  Experts,  speaks  of  an  "explosion"  in  the
                  volume and production of data against "the increasing demand for data from
                  all segments of society. PARIS21 takes a complementary approach and refers
                  to "providing the right data to the right people at the right time" (PARIS21-

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