Page 306 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 306

STS637 Magued O.

                                 Statistics monopoly: No room for nostalgia.
                                                Magued Osman
                      Professor of Statistics, Cairo University and Former Minister of Communications and
                                         Information Technology, Cairo, Egypt

                  Technological innovations are shaping the way businesses across the world
                  will operate in the future. Such changes will create a new world. With a strong
                  trend toward global economic integration, changes will not be confined to
                  developed countries and will impact developing countries as well. Disruptive
                  innovations are on the rise and are making paradigm shifts in many sectors
                  including  manufacturing,  finance,  transportation,  education,  health,
                  agriculture,  media  and  entertainment.  The  expected  growing  number  of
                  robots, sensors, satellites and internet of things applications will generate a
                  volume of data beyond what statisticians can imagine. The traditional model
                  of bureau of statistics as the main producers of data statistics is no longer the
                  case.  Monopoly  by  governmental  organizations  in  producing  and
                  disseminating data is vanishing. The large data sets, such as censuses and
                  household  surveys,  that  was  once  a  pride  of  statistical  office  are  a  small
                  fraction of data that are/can be generated every day by Google, Facebook,
                  Netflix, YouTube, or Amazon. A new model is suggested to re-engineer the
                  statistical system in developing countries to allow for an inclusive approach to
                  all  players  producing  and  using  data  and  big  data  while  respecting  the
                  fundamental principles of official statistics. The model takes into consideration
                  the  challenges  facing  the  statistics  discipline  in  the  data  science  era  and
                  address  governance  issues  related  to  the  production,  analysis  and
                  dissemination of big data without compromising professional considerations,
                  including scientific principles and professional ethics.

                  Data science, big data divide, disruptive innovations, national statistical offices

                  1.  Introduction
                      According  to  the  Fundamental  Principles  of  Official  Statistics,  official
                  statistics  provide  an  indispensable  element  in  the  information  system  of  a
                  democratic  society,  serving  government,  the  economy and  the  public  with
                  data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation.
                  Decision  on  the  methods  and  procedures  for  the  collection,  processing,
                  storage and presentation of statistical data is determined according to strictly
                  professional  considerations,  including  scientific  principles  and  professional

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