Page 307 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 307

STS637 Magued O.
            ethics. Furthermore, statistical organizations should disseminate information
            according  to  scientific  standards  on  the  sources,  methods  and  procedures
            derived from the theories of statistics .
                Disruptive  innovations  are  changing  the  way  business  is  done  and  is
            creating  valuable  “big  data”  that  does  not  conform  necessarily  to  the
            principles that statistical organizations adhere to. A new model to re-engineer
            the  eco-system  of  statistics  is  needed  to  avoid  a  complete  de-association
            between the world of statistics and the future world of data production.

            2.  How the world of statistics is going to change?
                Technological  innovations  are  shaping  the  way  businesses  across  the
            world will operate in the future. Such changes will create a new world. With a
            strong trend toward global economic integration, changes will not be confined
            to developed countries and will impact developing countries as well.
                Disruptive innovation is a relatively new concept that describes businesses
            that create a  market value from new costumers or  successfully address an
            overlooked  niche  of  less  demanding  customers .  Compared  to  sustaining
            innovations, disruptive innovations are a) addressing new markets rather than
            existing  markets,  b)  dramatic  and  game  changing  rather  than  improving
            performance,  lowering  cost  and  incrementally  changing,  c)  operating  in
            unpredictable market rather than a predictable one, and, d) facing the failure
            of traditional business methods by creating new ones . Disruptive innovation
            is  on  the  rise  and  are  making  paradigm  shifts  in  many  sectors  including
            telecommunications,  manufacturing,  finance,  transportation,  education,
            health, agriculture, media and entertainment.
                Another game changer is artificial intelligence (AI). Estimated worldwide
            revenues from the AI market is expected to grow from 3 billion US$ in 2016 to
            90 in 2025. AI will increase labor productivity, and hence global enterprise
            investment in the AI market is expected to increase from 12.4 billion US$ in
            2018 to 231.9 in 2025. With one billion video cameras connected to AI by 2020,
            the amount of data created is growing exponentially and calls for more and
            better analytical solutions.
                Traditional enterprise storage will soon become obsolete, as worldwide
            revenues from enterprise storage using cloud services is expected to increase
            from  17%  in  2015  to  89%  in  2025.  The  revenues  from  cloud  services  is
            expected to increase from 7.1 billion US$ to 50.7 billion. The expected growing
            number of robots, sensors, satellites and internet of things applications will
            generate  a  volume  of  data  beyond  what  statisticians  can  imagine.  The
            increasing revenues generated from big data will move the center of attention

            1  UN (2013)
            2  Christensen (2015)
            3  Babaian (2017)
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