Page 331 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 331

STS700 Hataichanok P.
            was on 13 September 2018. The committee adopted the following resolutions:
                     1.  The  standard  and  guideline  for  information  infrastructure
                        architecture  design  was  drafted  by  The  Subcommittee  on
                        Enterprise Architecture Design of Government Data Integration
                        System. This document’s objective is to encourage and support
                        data sharing across public sectors effectively.
                     2.  The  concept  of  roadmap  for  government  human  resource
                        development  on  big  data  utilization  was  created  by  The
                        Subcommittee on Human Resource Development for Utilizing Big
                     3.  The  data  governance  framework  was  published  by  Digital
                        Government Agency.
                Moreover,  the  committee  appointed  Subcommittee  on  Enterprise
            Architecture Design of Government Data Integration System to assess the data
            center of all ministries by following the standard and guideline for information
            infrastructural architecture design.
                The latest committee meeting, the third meeting was on January 29, 2019.
                     1.  The  Subcommittee  on  Enterprise  Architecture  Design  of
                        Government  Data  Integration  System  recommended  the
                        committee  to  adopt  the  resolution  that  designed  Ministry  of
                        Digital Economies and Society to be the provider of Government
                        Data Center and Cloud (GDCC). In order to service all departments
                        from each ministries whose data center was below the standard
                        in  the  document  “The  standard  and  guideline  for  information
                        infrastructure  architecture  design”.  According  to  the  results  of
                        data  center  assessment,  the  result  demonstrated  that  many
                        department data centers were below the standard.
                In addition, this subcommittee recommended the committee to adopt the
            (draft) Government Big Data Analytics Framework. The Government Big Data
            Analytics Framework can separate into six parts as follows:
                     1.1 Infrastructure
                     1.2 Data exchange
                     1.3 Data catalog
                     1.4 Peopleware
                     1.5 Data committee and operating
                     1.6 Use cases in government

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