Page 82 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 82

CPS1110 Selamawit M. et al.
                  2.  Model Definition
                     The data we consider for this study is a well log from Sheringham Shoal
                  wind farm and we consider data only from one well. The well is discretized by
                  a  one-dimentional  grid,  ∶ {1, . . . , }.  The  categorical  facies  class  ∈ Ω ∶
                   {1, . . . , }  is  assigned  to  one  of    classes.  The  facies  profile  along  the
                  discretized  well  is  represented  by   = ( , . . . ,    )′ and  the  corresponding
                  data,  well-log  observations,  is  denoted  by    = ( , . . . ,    )′    .  The  sub-
                  surface layer prediction based on the observed well logs is solved by Bayesian
                  inversion and settled in a Bayesian framework

                                   (|) = const  × (|) ()                  (1)

                  where, (|) is the likelihood model, () is the prior model, and ‘const’ is a
                  normalizing constant. The likelihood and prior models are defined and the
                  corresponding posterior model is developed.

                  Observation likelihood
                     We assume the likelihood model on factorial form given by

                                 (|) = ∏ ( |κ) = ∏ ( | )                 (2)

                  with  an  assumption  about  conditional  independence  and  single  site
                  dependence.  Here (|)  is  the  likelihood  model  and  it  defines  the  link
                  between the observations,  and the variable of interest, .

                  Prior experience
                     The  prior  pdf () captures the  primary  knowledge we  have  about  the
                  variable of interest . In our study this information can primarily be obtained
                  from certain geotechnical studies. Consider a first order Markov chain prior
                  model which allows spatial coupling in the sub-surface profile. This coupling
                  is represented by the conditional probability of the facies state  , given all the
                  previous states, which only depends on the single previous state  − 1, and it
                  is defined as

                        () = ( ) ∏ ( | −1 , … ,  ) = ( ) ∏ ( | −1 ),   (3)
                                    ∈ −1                     ∈ −1

                  The prior pdf ()  can be defined by the initial pdf  = [( )]  1 ∈Ω    and the
                  set of transition matrices −1,  = [( | −1 )]  −1 ,     ∈Ω  ;  ∈  . By recursion
                  the set of marginal pdfs is defined by

                                  P = [( )]   ∈Ω   = P −1,    −1 ;  ∈  .   (4)

                                                                      71 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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