Page 111 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 111

CPS1447 Russasmita S.P. et al.

                        Developing novice students’ initial conception of
                            Russasmita Sri Padmi , Yosep Dwi Kristanto
                            1 SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
              2 Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

            Sample and population are central ideas in statistics. However, these topics
            receive little attention in national mathematics curriculum in Indonesia and
            often  do  not  go  beyond  terminological  definitions.  This  study  proposes  a
            hypothetical  learning  trajectory  developed  through  design  research  to
            support students in developing big ideas that are important in sample and
            population. Findings indicated that the students were beginning to formulate
            informal ideas about sample and population i.e. representativeness, sample
            variability, and effect of sample size. The result suggests the progression of
            idea  surfacing  from  the  students  that  needed  to  be  attended  in  order  to
            support  strong  conceptual  growth  and  how  each  features  of  this  HLT  can
            contribute to it.

            Sample; sampling variability; effect of sample size, statistics education

            1.  Introduction
                The concept of sample and sampling is the core of statistics. It is
            important to introduce the idea of sample and sampling to students early in
            statistics curriculum because it provides foundation for more advanced topic
            in statistics, especially inferential statistics (Garfield and Ben-zvi, 2008).
                Outside  of  school  settings,  sample  and  sampling  is  also  crucial  for
            statistical  literacy  in  navigating  everyday  life.  Even  in  the  case  where  the
            students do not study inferential statistics in formal education, they still need
            to understand the underpinning concepts of it to digest research results often
            cited in news and articles.
                In  Indonesia,  statistics  for  primary  and  secondary  education  is
            incorporated  into  mathematics curriculum.  Even though  data  handling  has
            been  introduced  to  students  as  young  as  sixth  grade,  the  concepts  of
            inferential  statistics  do  not  start  until  high  school.  The  word  sample  and
            population appeared for the first time in grade 11 and the content do not go
            beyond introducing the terminologies. The national textbook introduced the
            concepts through students survey problem, by simply describing sample as a
            specific group thought to be capable in representing the entire students in the
            state (Kanginan and Kartiwa, 2010). The textbook makes no attempt to discuss
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