Page 172 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 172

CPS1494 Senthilvel V. et al.
                  identified as statistically significant in their study.  A similar type of results was
                  found  in  our  study  that  hypertension,  HbA1C,  and  duration  of  DM  were
                  statistically significant.  More than half of the study population was having
                  hypertension  and  higher  proportion  of  DR  was  seen  among  hypertensive
                  patients (32.6%) than non-hypertensive patients (14.5%), which was statistically
                  significant with p – value < 0.05.  Similar result was found in the study by Giri,
                  P. A. et al. (2012) also.  In addition to that gender, age, duration of DM, history
                  of  addiction,  family  history  of  DM  was  also  statistically  significant  in  their
                  study.  In univariate analysis, the smoking habit was not significant with DR in
                  our study.  But, smoking habit has been found as significant in multivariate
                  analysis and it was found that the chance of getting DR in smokers was 15
                  times than that of non-smokers.
                      We have estimated the strongest predictors of DR through binary logistic
                  regression.   Some  of  the  variables  which  were  not  significant  in  univariate
                  analysis  but  significant  in  multivariate  analysis  and  one  variable  were
                  eliminated.   The  strongest  predictors  were HbA1C,  FBS,  smoking  habit,
                  medication  (intake  of  tablet/insulin),  duration  of  DM  and  duration  of
                  hypertension and history of hypertension was eliminated from the third step
                  of logistic regression.  A similar study was conducted to estimate the strongest
                  predictors by Ahmed R.A. et al. (2016) and Pradeepa, R. et al. (2008). A study
                  by Gadkari, S. S. et al. (2016) have resulted that the prevalence was found more
                  in males, DM was happened after 5 years, DM patients was in above 40 years,
                  insulin users and history of vascular accidents.  But, our study resulted that
                  prevalence was more among females, diabetics more than 10 years, those aged
                  above  50  years.  We  didn’t  take  into  an  account  of  the  history  of  vascular
                  accidents.  A Korean study by Kim, J. H. et al. (2011) have showed that odds
                  ratio of the DR increased with duration of DM, postprandial glucose levels, and
                  HbA1C and in our study odds ratio of the study increased with smoking habit,
                  medication, and HbA1C.  Kohner, E. M. et al. (1998) have mentioned in their
                  study that the presence of retinopathy was the same percentage in both the
                  male  and  female  and  fasting  plasma  glucose  level  was  the  risk  factor  for
                  developing DR.  We have also found the same type of results in our present
                  study.  So, the ophthalmologic examination is needed for all diabetic patients
                  with minimum routine follow-up is needed with a trained ophthalmologist and
                  who he is well experienced in the management and treatment of DR for every
                  year from the diagnosis date of DM.

                  5.  Conclusion
                      The  overall  prevalence  of  DR  in  Type  II  DM  patients  was  high  in  the
                  study.  Retinopathy is strongly associated with Hemoglobin A1c, fasting blood
                  sugar  (FBS),  duration  of  diabetes  mellitus,  medication,  duration  of
                  hypertension and smoking by Binary Logistic Regression approach.  Hence,

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