Page 167 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 167
CPS1494 Senthilvel V. et al.
peripheral neuropathy, low bone density, and cardiovascular events, all of
which decreases the quality of life and cause a high rate of mortality Early
Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group (1991). Hence, it is
recommended for early diagnosis and proper management [5]. Variables
were included in the study: Gender, age, Educational Status, Family History
of DM, Smoking Habit, Alcohol Consumption, History of Hypertension,
Medication, Total Cholesterol Level, Duration of Hypertension, Body Mass
Index (BMI), Duration of DM, Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS), and HbA1C. Study
Tool: The data were collected by using a structured and tested
questionnaire. Data entry and its Management: The collected data were
compiled by using Micro Soft Excel 2010 (Office 365, Microsoft Ltd., USA) and
analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences 20.0 version (SPSS
Inc. Chicago, USA). Statistical Analysis: The continuous data were
mentioned as Mean ± Standard Deviation and categorical data were
mentioned as frequency and proportions. Univariate Analysis: to compare
the mean difference between continuous variables between groups by using
independent samples t-test, to find the association between variables by using
Chi-Square test and found the significant variables. Multivariate Analysis:
Binary Logistic Regression Analysis:- Significant variables were obtained by
Bivariate analysis and the P – value ≤ 0.20 were taken and included in the
Binary Logistic Regression analysis back ward elimination method and found
the risk factors to develop DR among known Type II DM patients. Statistical
Significance: The statistical significance was fixed at P-value < 0.05.
3. Result
Totally, 350 patients were screened by a trained ophthalmologist in our
study. Among 350 patients, 200 were Diabetic Mellitus only and 150 were
various other diseases of Type II DM patients. Among 150 Type II DM patients,
85 (56.7%) were males and 65 (43.3%) were females. The mean age of the
participants was found as 58.15 ± 10.46 (Range: 31 to 87) years. Out 150 Type
II DM patients 39 (26.0%) were identified as Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) and 111
(74.0%) weren’t had DR. So, the overall prevalence of DR was found as 26% in
the study population and other socio economic variables were as shown
in Table – 1.
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