Page 20 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 20

CPS1407 D.Dilshanie Deepawansa et al.
                  1.  Alkire, S., & Foster, J. (2011). Counting and multidimensional poverty
                      measurement . Journal of public economics, 95(7), 476-487.
                  2.  Alkire, S., & Foster, J. E. (2007). Counting and multidimensional poverty
                  3.  Alkire, S., & Santos, E. M. (2010). Acute Multidimensional Poverty: A New
                      Index for Developing Countries. University of Oxfor.
                  4.  Alkire, S., Foster, J., Seth, S., Santos, M., Roche, J., & Ballon, P. (2015).
                      Multidimensional poverty measurement and analysis: Chapter 5–the
                      Alkire-Foster counting methodology.
                  5.  Alkire, S., Roche, J., Ballon, P., Foster, J., Santos, M., & Seth, S. (2015).
                      Multidimensional poverty measurement and analysis. USA: Oxford
                      University Press.
                  6.  Asselin, L. (2009). Analysis of multidimensional poverty: Theory and case
                      studies (7 ed.). Springer Science & Business Media.
                  7.  Atkinson, A. (2003). Multidimensional deprivation: contrasting social
                      welfare and counting approaches. The Journal of Economic Inequality,
                      1(1), 51-65.
                  8.  Baulch, B. (1996). The New Poverty Agenda: A Disputed Consensus. Ids
                      Bulletin , 1-10.
                  9.  Betti, G., & Verna, V. (1999,2002,2004). Measuring the degree of poverty
                      in a dynamic and comparative context: A multi-dimensional approach
                      using fuzzy set theory. Lahore (Pakistan), 27-31.
                  10. Betti, G., Cheli, B., Lemmi, A., & Verma, V. (2005). On The Construction Of
                      Fussy Measures For The Analysis of Poverty and Social Exclusion. .
                      Siena,Italy, University of Siena.
                  11. Bourguignon, F., & Chakravarty, S. (2003). The measurement of
                      multidimensional poverty . The Journal of Economic Inequality, 1(1), 25-
                  12. Cerioli, A., & Zani, S. (1990). A Fuzzy Approach To The Measurement Of
                      Poverty. Income and Wealth istribution,Inequality and Poverty, 272-284.
                  13. Chakravarty, S. (2006). An axiomatic approach to multidimensional
                      poverty measurement via fuzzy sets. In Fuzzy set approach to
                      multidimensional poverty measurement. Springer, Boston, MA., 49-72.
                  14. Cheli, B., & Lemmi, A. (1995). A Totally Fuzzy and Relative Approach to
                      the Multidimentional Analysis of Poverty. Economic Notes, 24(1), 115-
                  15. Croux, C., & Dehon, C. (2010). Influence functions of the Spearman and
                      Kendall correlation measures. Statistical methods & applications, 19(4),
                  16. DCS. (2016). Poverty Indicators. p. 4.

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