Page 23 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 23

CPS1408 Caston S. et al.
            electricity prices are developed by Gaillard et al. [4]. The work done by Gaillard
            et al. [4] is extended by Fasiolo et al. [3] who developed fast calibrated additive
            quantile regression models. An online load forecasting system for very-short-
            term load forecasts is proposed by Laouafi et al. [7]. The proposed system is
            based on a forecast combination methodology which gives accurate forecasts
            in  both  normal  and  anomalous  conditions.  Zhang  et  al.  [11]  developed  a
            hybrid  model  to  short-term  load  forecasting  based  on  singular  spectrum
            analysis  and  support  vector  machine  which  is  optimized  by  the  heuristic
            method  they  refer  to  as  the  Cuckoo  search  algorithm.  The  new  proposed
            model outperformed the other heuristic models used in the study.
                Joint  modelling  of  hourly  electricity  demand  using  additive  quantile
            regression  with  pairwise  inter-  actions  including  an  application  of  quantile
            regression  averaging  (QRA)  is  not  discussed  in detail  in  the  literature.  The
            current study intends to bridge this gap. The study focuses on an application
            of additive quantile regression (AQR) models. A comparative analysis is then
            done  with  the  generalized  additive  models  (GAMs)  which  are  used  as
            benchmark  models.  In  this  study  we  discuss  an  application  of  pairwise
            hierarchical  interactions  discussed  in  Bien  et  al.  [2]  and  Laurinec  [8]  who
            showed  that  the  inclusion  of  interactions  improves  forecast  accuracy.  A
            discussion of the models is presented in Section 2, with Section 3 discussing
            the results of the study. The conclusion is given in Section 4.

            2.  Models

            2.1 Additive quantile regression model
                An additive quantile regression (AQR) model is a hybrid model which is a
            combination of GAM and QR models. AQR models were first applied to short-
            term load forecasting by Gaillard et al. [4] and extended by Fasiolo et al. [3].
            Let t denote hourly electricity demand where t = 1,...,n, n is the number of

            observations and let the number of days be denoted by nd. Then n = 24nd
            where  24  is  the  number  of  hours  in  a  day  and  the  corresponding  p
            covariates, ,  , … ,  . The AQR model is given in equation (1) ([3, 4]).

                    y ,  = ∑  ( ) +  ;    (0,1),                                                                  (1)

            where  are smooth functions and  ,   is the error term. The smooth
            function,  is written as
                     () = ∑   ( ),                                                                                      (2)
                                                                12 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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