Page 213 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 213
CPS1825 Suryo A.R.
development index can be used to compare the development of youth with
certain conditions, to capture gaps, trends, and to be a guide for governments
to make a right policy for youth in South Kalimantan so as to increase their
youth development index.
2. Methodology
Defining Youth and Youth Development
Youth in the initial sense refers to the age group of demographics.
However, these demographic age groups by institutions and organizations are
defined differently. This study defines youth to adjust to the definitions used
in the Indonesian Youth Development Index 2017 as stated in Indonesian Law
No. 40 of 2009, namely residents with age limit of 16-30 years.
The Commonwealth (2016) defines youth development as enhancing the
status of young people, empowering them to build on their competencies and
capabilities for life. It will enable them to contribute and benefit from a
politically stable, economically viable and legally supportive environment,
ensuring their full participation as active citizens in their countries. The
definition shows that youth development includes various domains or
dimensions that need to be adequately addressed by relevant sector policies
or ministries.
Measuring Youth Development
Domain and Indicator Determination
The domain used in this research follows the domain that has been used
in the Indonesian Youth Development Index 2017 with additional indicators
obtained from the Global Youth Development Index. The additional indicator
used in this research are showed in the table 1. The index is formulated to help
the government, decision-makers, and stakeholders identify and learn from
areas of success, pinpoint priority areas for investment and track progress over
time based on regional data. Therefore, this index uses individual data from 5
domains with indicators as below.
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