Page 216 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 216

CPS1825 Suryo A.R.
                  correlation between general factor formed and each indicator. The bigger lij
                  means the bigger correlation between them.
                      There are some steps in factor analysis. First, identify the purpose of using
                  factor analysis and fulfil its requirements. Secondly, checking the correlation
                  matrix in two ways. Bartlett test of sphericity and measuring Keiser-Meyers-
                  Oklin  (KMO)  or  Measure  of  Sampling  Adequate  (MSA)  to  assess  the  data
                  appropriateness.  The  third  step  is  factor  extraction  with  methods  principal
                  component analysis. The fourth step is factor rotation, and the last is getting
                  factors score to construct the index.
                      Data  used  in  this  research  are  from  Socio-Economic  National  Survey
                  Indonesia (SUSENAS) conducted by BPS-Statistics Indonesia. All the indicators
                  used  are  based  on  the  survey  in  2018  so  this  index  will  capture  the
                  development of youth in 2018.

                  3.  Result
                  Construction of Youth Development Index of South Kalimantan 2018

                  Indicator Selection and factor construction
                      The  selection  process  of  indicators  uses  anti-image  matrix  to  decide
                  whether an indicator deserves to be analysed further or not. The cut point of
                  MSA score is 0,5. If the MSA score of an indicator more than 0,5, it means that
                  the indicator deserves to be analysed further in factor analysis.
                      In the first step, indicator vocational experience and literacy in education
                  dimension  and  indicator  access  for  the  youth  migrant  in  gender  and
                  discrimination must be reduced because they have the lowest MSA which are
                  less than 0,5. It means that the other three dimensions have indicators which
                  are good to be analysed without any reduction. After the indicators having
                  MSA  less  than  0,5  are  reduced,  the  education  dimension  and  gender  and
                  discrimination dimension are good to be analysed using factor analysis.
                      Factor analysis will produce dominant factors in every dimension of the
                  index.  The  number  of  dominant  factors  which  characterize  the  dimension
                  could be decided based on the Kaiser criteria. Kaiser criteria is when factor
                  whose eigen value is more than one would be the dominant factor (OECD,
                  2008). The factor score would be the dimension score in this research, because
                  every dimension has one factor left after rotating the component score. The
                  dominant  indicators  in  every  dimension  are  mean  years  of  schooling,
                  morbidity,  white  collar,  participating  on  the  forum,  and  access  for  the
                      The most highlighted new indicator, access for the disability can be the
                  most dominant indicator for gender and participation dimension. It means
                  that access for the disability has an impact in the dimension which can reflect
                  one of the aspects used for government evaluate and plan the development

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