Page 215 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 215

CPS1825 Suryo A.R.
            higher  the  value  of  the  indicator,  the  higher  the  score,  while  the  negative
            indicator  applies  otherwise.  After  that,  the  value  of  each  indicator  is
            normalized. Normalization used in this research is standardization (z-score).

            Calculation of scores for each dimension
                Scores in each dimension are calculated with reference to the Indonesian
            Youth Development Index 2017. The index of each dimension is calculated by
            the equal weighting.

            Calculation of Youth Development Index
                Youth Development Index is obtained by averaging each dimension score.
            The equal weight of each dimension means that the five dimensions have the
            same role to the development of youth. The use of equal weight because it
            can answer all arguments ethically or morally in the future about determining
            the more important aspects for youth development in South Kalimantan, even
            though in each dimension there are indicators that have the biggest role in
            shaping the dimension score (Bappenas, 2017).
                Measurement of disability in this research using Washington Group on
            Disability Statistics (WG) which is included in Socio-Economic National Survey
            in Indonesia. WG short set questions are not designed to measure all aspects
            of  difficulty  in  functioning  that  people  may  experience,  but  rather  those
            domains of functioning that are likely to identify the majority of people at risk
            of  participation  restrictions,  such  as  difficulty  seeing,  hearing,  walking,
            remembering or concentrating, self-care, and communicating.

            Factor Analysis
                Factor analysis is a statistical method used to describe variability among
            observed,  correlated  variables  in  terms  of  a  potentially  lower  number  of
            unobserved  variables  called  factors  (Johnson  &  Wichern,  2007).  In  factor
            analysis there is random vector X with p component which has mean µ and
            covariance  matrix  ∑  factor  model  states  X  linearly  dependent  with  some
            unobserved variables which are called common factors (F1, F2, …, Fm), and other
            source of variation which is summed up as p (e1, e2, …, ep) or called error or
            specific factor.
                In this research, X is a variance-covariance matrix and p(max) for indicators
            in dimension education, health and well-being, employment and opportunity,
            participation and leadership, gender and discrimination are 4, 4, 3, 3, and 3
            with condition that m ≤ p. λ is the eigen value of variance-covariance matrix ∑
            or  correlation  matrix  R.  hi   is  communalities  which  shows  the  variance
            proportion of indicator/variable i which can be explained in general factor.
            While a variance which cannot be explained by general factor will be explained
            by  a  specific  factor  with  specific  variance.  lij  is  loading  which  shows  a

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