Page 229 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 229
CPS1844 Reza M.
() = ∑ ∑ ( () ≤ ()), (1)
=1 =+1
We obtain a simultaneous plot of
((), (())) , ((), (())) , ((), (())) , = 1, … . . , . (2)
With applications in statistical decision theory, clinical trials, experimental
design, and portfolio analysis, stochastic orderings of random vectors is of
interest when comparing several multivariate distributions. While there is a
rich literature on testing for stochastic ordered among univariate distributions
the literature dealing with inference on nonparametric multivariate
distributions is sparse. Giovagnoli and Wynn (1995) define the multivariate
dispersive order (weak D-ordering) for two random vectors X and Y in R as
follows. Define X ≤D Y if and only if Dx ≤St Dy, where ≤St is the stochastic ordering
between two random variables. One can show that Dx ≤St Dy holds if and only
if () ≥ () for all t ∈ℝ. Giovagnoli and Wynn (1995) show that Dx ≤St Dy if
and only if the average probability content of balls of a given radius with center
having the same distribution (independently), is more for X than for Y.
Under K0 : X ≤D Y, it follows that Dx ≤St Dy with probability 1. One can estimate
P(Dx ≤ Dy) and reject K0 for small values of this probability. It is not difficult to
show that the estimated probability is a U-statistic with a normal limiting
distribution for large sample sizes. The hypothesis K0 : X ≤D Y is equivalent to
′ : () ≥ () for all t ∈R. It follows from X ≤D Y, that E(r(Dx)) ≤E(r(Dy)) for
all non-decreasing functions r on [0,∞) and ((X)) ≤ ((Y)).
Furthermore, the dispersion order ≤D is location and rotation free. If Dx ≤St Dy,
then X + a ≤D ΛY + b for all orthogonal matrices and Λ and for all vectors
a and b.
Lemma 1 When the and groups differ in location µ only; i.e. () =
( − µ), we have = ≥ with equality holding if and only if µ = 0.
If µ = 0, then the result follows since G1 = G2 is equivalent to = = .
One can verify that the within sample IPDs are invariant with respect to
location shift so that = . Moreover, the between sample IPDs will
become larger than within sample IPDs when µ ≠ 0 since X−Y is no longer
centered at zero. Hence, = ≥ . As the following example shows,
when ECDFs () and () are closer together than the ECDF (); i.e.
= ≥ , one can say that the two distributions G1 and G2 have a location
shift difference.
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