Page 236 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 236

CPS1845 Devni P.S. et al.
                  Bayesian networking applications in terms of minimizing the risk of natural
                  disasters: floods (Zhang, Yang, & Wang, 2002), tsunamis (Blaser, Ohrnberger,
                  Riggelsen, Babeyko, & & Scherbaum, 2011), earthquakes (Bayraktarli, Ulfkjaer,
                  Yazgan, & Faber, 2005) (Bayraktarli, Baker, & Faber, 2011) (Li, Wang, & Leung,
                  2010) (Sari, Rosadi, Effendie, & Danardono, 2018).
                      The formation of a BN model is a complex and time-consuming task. It is
                  difficult  to  get  a  complete  and  consistent  model.  Usually,  there  are  two
                  methods  for  entering  probability  values  into  opportunity  nodes  of  the
                  Bayesian  network  model.  The  first  method  is  to  consult  with  experts  for
                  probability values and put them in the model. The second method is to get
                  probability values from statistical data (Druzdzel & Flynn, 2002). To simplify
                  work  while  struggling  with  BN,  we  use  R,  we  can  use  an  algorithm  in
                  programming R. The R package which is famous for BN is called "bnlearn".
                  This package contains various algorithms for BN structure learning, parameter
                  learning,  and  inference.  In  addition,  we  also  use  GeNIe  to  enhance  the
                  appearance of the network. Using CPT output obtained from R, a network will
                  be built using GeNIe. It is a reasoning machine used for graphical probabilistic
                  models and provides functionality for making diagnoses. Users can also do
                  Bayesian  inference  in  the  model  and  they  can  calculate  the  impact  of
                  observing the subset value of the model variable on the remaining variable
                  probability distribution based on real-time data.

                  2.  Methodology
                      Bayesian  Network  (BN)  is  an  explicit  description  of  depending  directly
                  between a set of variables. This description is in the form of a Directed Acyclic
                  Graph (DAG) and a set of Node Probability Tables (NPT) (Zhou, Fenton, & Neil,
                  2014). A directed graph, also called a BN structure, consists of a set of nodes
                  and arcs. The formation of BN is divided into two, namely the construction of
                  structures and Conditional Probability Tables (CPT). BN structure is a DAG that
                  represents a pattern from a set of data. Graph representation can be done by
                  identifying  concepts  of  information  that  are  relevant  to  the  problem.
                  Furthermore, the concept is called set variables. The set is then represented as
                  nodes in the graph. The influence between variables is stated explicitly using
                  edge on a graph. To get a beneficial relationship between nodes is done using
                  expert knowledge or algorithms.
                       (The  chain  rule  for  Bayesian  networks).  Suppose  BN  is  the  Bayesian
                  network  above  = { , ⋯ ,  }.  Then  the  BN  determines  the  unique  joint
                  probability distribution () given by the multiplication of all the conditional
                  probability tables specified in BN:
                                           () = ∏ ( |pa( )),
                                                                     225 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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