Page 235 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 235

CPS1845 Devni P.S. et al.

                            Bayesian network for risk management of
                              earthquake damage using R and Genie
               Devni Prima Sari 1,2,* ; Dedi Rosadi , Adhitya Ronnie Effendie , Danardono 1
                   1 Department of Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
                    2 Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia

            The occurrence of an earthquake in an area is often unexpected. Disaster risk
            management  is  needed  to  minimize  disaster  risk.  One  way  to  reduce  the
            impact of disasters is to know the level of risk of damage to buildings in an
            area. The level of risk of damage to buildings can we value the variables that
            participate in determining the size or smallness of a risk. The tool we will use
            to  deduce  a  causal  relationship  between  variables  is  called  the  Bayesian
            Network.  The formation  of  the  Bayesian  Network  model  is  a  complex and
            time-consuming task. It is difficult to get a complete and consistent model. To
            simplify work while struggling with BN, we use the famous R package with BN
            called "bnlearn" and GeNIe Software. The process of forming BN is faster and
            more efficient with the role of bnlearn and GeNIe.

            Earthquake; Risk; Bayesian Network; bnlearn; GeNIe

            1.  Introduction
                Earthquake disasters that hit a country often occur unexpectedly, so that
            people who are in the location of the disaster, do not have time to anticipate
            the prevention of the disaster. Earthquakes certainly cause destruction, also
            cause suffering and loss both for society and the country. Therefore, disaster
            risk management is needed to minimize the risk of disaster. The problem that
            arises is that there is still a lack of knowledge of citizens about what a disaster
            is, how to anticipate and reduce the impact of disasters. One way to reduce
            the impact of disasters is to know the level of risk of damage to buildings in
            an  area.  The  level  of  risk  of  damage  to  buildings  can  we  value  from  the
            variables that influence it.
                The tool we will use to infer the relationship of the causal variable from
            correlation is called a Probabilistic Graphic Model (PGM). PGM is a graph that
            encodes a causal relationship between events. Each node represents a random
            variable, and arrows represent a dependency relationship between variables.
            PGM  with  directional  and  non-cycle  edges  is  specifically  called  a  Bayesian
            Network (BN), and that is the type of PGM that I will focus on. BN has been
            developed in various fields, including in medical (Flores, Nicholson, Brunskill,
            Korb, & Mascaro, 2011), financial (Neil, Marquez, & Fenton, 2008). As well as

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