Page 269 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 269

CPS1854 Shonosuke S. et al.

                             Robust estimation and joint selection in
                                       linear mixed models
                          Shonosuke Sugasawa ; Francis Hui ; Alan Welsh
                         1 Center for Spatial Information Science, the University of Tokyo
                         2 Mathematical Science Institute, Australian National University

            Linear  mixed  models  have  been  widely  used  for  analyzing  clustered  or
            longitudinal data. Conventional methods assume normality for both random
            effects and error terms, which could be sensitive to outliers and may produce
            biased and inefficient estimates of the model parameters as well as inaccurate
            prediction  of  random  effects  or  future  values.  Although  several  robust
            methods  have  been  developed,  they  still  suffer  from  their  unstable
            performances when the contamination is heavy. In this work, we modify the
            estimating equations for both regression coefficients and random effects by
            introducing normalized density weights, and propose robust estimator of the
            model parameters as well as random effects. We provide MM-algorithm to
            compute the minimizer of the objective function. Moreover, we consider the
            joint selection of regression coefficients and random effects by introducing
            adaptive lasso and adaptive group lasso penalty, respectively, and propose an
            efficient  algorithm  to  compute  the  robust  and  sparse  estimator.  We
            demonstrate the proposed methods together with existing methods through
            simulations studies and applications to real datasets.

            clustered data; estimating equation; divergence; linear mixed models; robust

            1.  Introduction
                For analyzing clustered or longitudinal data, linear mixed models that can
            adequately account  for  variability  among clusters  or  individuals  are  widely
            used. Conventionally, normality is assume for distributions of both random
            effects and error terms, which often leads to unstable performance when there
            exists outliers. In this work, we propose a new robust approach to estimation
            in  linear  mixed  models  by  modifying  likelihood  (estimating)  equations  for
            regression coefficients and random effects with use of density weights. We
            demonstrate that the modification is the same as considering an objective
            function  based  on  two-divergence.  We  provide  a  MM-algorithm  for
            calculating robust estimates of model parameters as well as random effects.

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