Page 268 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 268

CPS1853 M. Irsyad Ilham
                  10.  Paudel, K.P., Pandit, M., 2013. ENVIRONMENTAL KUZNETS CURVE IN
                      STOCK AND FLOW WATER. Agric. L S U 1–45.
                  11.  Pearson, C.S., 2000. Economics and The Global Environment. Cambridge
                      University Press, Cambridge.
                  12.  Rahman, M.M., 2017. Do population density, economic growth, energy
                      use and exports adversely affect environmental quality in Asian
                      populous countries? Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev.
                  13.  Sadullah,  a. F.M., 2003. Air pollution from motor vehicles A
                      mathematical model analysis: Case study in Ipoh City, Perak, Malaysia. J.
                      East. ….
                  14.  Singer, J.D., Willett, J.B., 2003. Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis :
                      Modeling Change and Event Occurence., ISBN0195152964.
                  15.  Todaro, M.P., Smith, S.C., 2013. Economic Development. Econ. Dev. 797.
                  16.  United Nations General Assembly, 2015. Transforming our world: The
                      2030 agenda for sustainable development,
                      rming%20Our%20World. pdf.
                  17.  Warren, C., McCarthy, J.F., 2012. Community environment and local
                      governance in Indonesia: Locating the commonweal, Community
                      Environment and Local Governance in Indonesia: Locating the

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