Page 271 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 271

CPS1854 Shonosuke S. et al.
            where  = ∑    , ( | ; ,  ) is the conditional distribution of   under
            the model (1), that is,  |  ~ (  +   ,  ), and π( ; ) is the marginal
            distribution  of   ,  i.e.   ∼  (0, ) .  If     is  a  outlier,  the  weight  for  the
            information of   would be very small, so that the information of such outliers
            are automatically ignored in (3). The tuning parameter  controls the effects
            of outliers, and the larger value  leads to the smaller weight for  when  is
            an outlier. The value of  is specified by the user or choose in a objective way
            as discussed later. Note that if  = 0, the weights are 1, so that the modified
            estimating functions (3) reduce to the conventional ones. Since the estimating
            functions   and     are  not  necessarily  unbiased,  the  modified  estimating
            equations  are   −  E[ ]  =  0  and     −  E[ ]  =  0,   =  1, . . . , , where  the
            expectations  are  taken  with  respect  to  the  conditional  distribution
            (  ; ,  ) and the marginal distribution π( ; ), respectively.
                The  modified  estimating  equations  can  be  derived  by  considering  the
            following objective function:
                                                                       2 1+
              log {∑ ∑ ( | ; ,  ) } −   log {∑ ∑ (| ; ,  )  }
                                    1 +                 
                   =1  =1                         =1  =1                   (4)
                           +   log {∑ ( ; ) } −   log {∑ ∫ (; ) 1+ },
                                              1 + 
                                   =1                     =1
                It is easy to show that the partial derivatives of (4) with respect to β and bi
            are the modified estimating functions Fβ and Fbi given in (3), respectively. Note
            that the objective function (4) can be seen as a weighted combination of two
            -divergence (Fujisawa and Eguchi, 2008).
                From the forms of f( |bi;β,σ ) and π(bi;R), we may evaluate the integrals
            appeared in (4). By ignoring irrelevant terms, we have the following function
            to be minimized:
                     (, ) = −  log {∑ ∑ ( | ; ,  ) } −   log 2
                                                               2(1 + )
                                       =1  =1
                                   −    log {∑ ( ; ) } −      log||,
                                                       2(1 + )
            where  = ( , () ,  ) is a vector of unknown parameters. Then, the new
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