Page 317 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 317

CPS1873 Ferenc M. et al.
                A  good  example  is  the  HBLS  question  on  unmet  need  for  medical
            examination that is practically equivalent with the recommended formulation
            of  the  EU-SILC  PH040  variable  (‘unmet  need  for  medical  examination  or
            treatment  [during  the  last  12  months]’).  The  structure  and  wording  of  the
            Hungarian translation follows the recommended formulation of the English
            Description perfectly. Still, the experiences of the cognitive testing has shown
            that the interviewees tended to interpret the question differently from the
            intended meaning, that is, they recalled the events when they consulted a
            doctor instead of issues requiring medical care. Consequently, it is reasonable
            to  assume  that  on  a  Hungarian  target  population,  valid  responses  can  be
            elicited by a different question formulation than the recommended version in
            the  Description.  The  research  team’s  suggested  solution  was  therefore  to
            compose the question so that it refers explicitly to health issues instead of
            events needing medical care.
                The team came to the conclusion by analysis of the interpretive patterns
            that  a  brief  supplementary  instruction  is  necessary  to  facilitate  proper
            interpretation of the question. Table 1 shows the original and the proposed
            question variation (the English translation of the latter follows the sentence
            structure  and  carries  the  same  meaning  as  the  proposed  question  in

            Table: Original and proposed question formulation of the EU-SILC PH040 variable for
                                       the HBLS questionnaire
             Original version following the Description    Proposed Hungarian version after the testing

             Was there any time during the past 12   Have you had any health problems that really
             months when you really needed medical   needed medical examination or treatment
             examination or treatment for yourself?   during the past 12 months?
                                                  Please take into account every such problem,
                                                  even if you did not seek medical care.

                Among the many interesting and beneficial results, a somewhat unsettling
            experience  of  the  research  team  should  be  paid  particular  attention  to.
            Namely,  some  of  the  interviewees  were  less  able  to  reflect  on  their  own
            thought processes and they could only express their experiences and situation
            much less nuanced than others. Typically, but not exclusively, it was observed
            among the test subjects with low level education. The question arises: was it
            us who could not find the appropriate tone (i.e. develop a proper rapport)
            because of the different cultural background, or were our test subjects truly
            incapable of such a degree of reflexive thought that the CI required? In their
            case, the question is particularly acute: do the collected survey data represent
            the  researchers’  intention?  Lack  of  understanding  or  misunderstanding  of

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