Page 35 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 35

CPS1409 Rahma F.
                This study chooses several distances which are more or less the average of
            physical  geographical  Euclidian  distance  presented  in  Table  1.  The  chosen
            distance is used as  a  radius in which regencies/cities within the radius are
            considered as neighbors. The defined neighbors for each city/regency are the
            basis to develop the spatial weight matrix, for the purpose of the Moran I test.
            The result of the test for several bandwidths is presented in Table 5. It indicates
            that the strongest spatial autocorrelation exists among regencies/cities within
            125 km radius. The result is not surprising since this distance is quite closed to
            the  average  of  distance  among  the  regencies/cities.  This  study  does  not
            elaborate  this  concept  based  on  the  “economic”  distance  due  to  the  data
            limitation, in which there is relatively low variation of the delivery cost between
            regencies/cities. It is dominated by Rp. 8000 (see Figure 3). However, after
            looking into detail for the neighboring set (the location within 125 km radius)
            of regency/city , = 1, … , n, the members of the neighboring set are indeed
            the regencies/cities which have the lowest transportation cost to and from
            regency/city  .  Therefore,  the  chosen  neighbors  based  on  the  physical  –
            geographical distance are in accordance with the “economic” distance.

              Table 3 The Moran I test for the Spatial Autocorrelation of East Java’s GDP among
                  the k nearest Neighbours based on the Physical – Geographical Distance
             k       I Statistics     Expected value        Variance        P value
             2       -0.02611         -0.02703              0.008638        0.4961
             3       -0.0259          -0.02703              0.005746        0.4941
             4       -0.06795         -0.02703              0.004134        0.7378
             5       -0.07175         -0.02703              0.003288        0.7823

              Table 4 The Moran I test for the Spatial Autocorrelation of East Java’s GDP among
                       the k nearest Neighbours based on the “Economic” Distance
              k       I Statistics    Expected Value   Variance         p value
                   2        -0.04661         -0.02703         0.007681          0.5884
                   3        -0.07331         -0.02703         0.004897          0.7458
                   4        -0.04873         -0.02703         0.003771          0.6381
                   5        -0.05179         -0.02703         0.003005          0.6743

             Table 5 The The Moran I test for the Spatial Autocorrelation of East Java’s GDP
                             among the neighbours within certain  radius
              Distance/radius(km)   I Statistics   Expected Value   Variance   P value
              110                  0.000349908   -0.027027027    0.00088     0.1781
              120                  -0.00012795   -0.027027027    0.000693    0.1535
              122.5                0.002733605   -0.027027027    0.000629    0.1177
              125                  0.00596716    -0.027027027    0.000601    0.08912
              127.5                0.001391369   -0.027027027    0.000538    0.1103

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