Page 407 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 407

CPS1911 Nurkhairary A. M. et al.
                The Von Mises distribution is said to be the most useful distribution on the
            circle  (Mardia  and  Jupp  (2000)).  Fisher  (1987)  noted  that  the  Von  Mises
            distribution is a symmetric unimodal distribution and characterised by a mean
            direction  and concentration parameter . The probability density function of
            the distribution is
                                                     1      cos(−)
                                      (;  , ) =                            (1)
                                                  2 0  ()

            where   () is the modified Bessel function of the first kind and order zero,
            which can be defined by
                                        () =   ∫    cos                                                (2)

            for 0    2 , 0    2 and   0 where  is the mean direction and  is the
            concentration parameter. The concentration parameter  influences the Von
            Mises distribution  (, ) inversely as   influences the normal distribution
            ( ,  ).  Thus,  a  concentrated  Von  Mises  distribution  will  have  large
            concentration parameter, and a dispersed Von Mises distribution will have a
            small concentration parameter (Caires and Wyatt (2003)).
                In this paper, we attempt to describe the relationship of wind direction for
            three  consecutive  years  using  simultaneous  linear  functional  relationship
            model. The beauty of this model is that it allows the error term in the model.
            We use the wind direction of Kota Kinabalu coastal station in Malaysia during
            northeast monsoon for three consecutive years from 2015 to 2017.
                Kota Kinabalu is located at the Borneo Island of Malaysia where it is the
            capital of Sabah state with the latitude and longitude of 6.0367°N, 116.1186°E.
            The  climate  in  Kota  Kinabalu  is  classified  as  equatorial  climate  with  high
            humidity,  a  considerable  amount  of  sun,  abundant  rainfall,  due  to  its
            geographical  location  (Djamila  et  al.,  2011).  It  is  named  after  the  highest
            mount in Malaysia, Mount Kinabalu. The weather in Kota Kinabalu is influenced
            by the northeast monsoons between November and March, the southwest
            monsoon from May to September and two intermonsoons, which happen in
            April and October (Mojiol, 2006). Figure 1 shows the location of Kota Kinabalu.

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