Page 406 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 406

CPS1911 Nurkhairary A. M. et al.

                              Modelling Wind Direction Data in Kota Kinabalu
                                  Coastal Station Using Simultaneous Linear
                                        Functional Relationship Model
                   Nurkhairany Amyra Mokhtar , Yong Zulina Zubairi , Abdul Ghapor Hussin ,
                                           Rossita Mohamad Yunus
                                       1 National Defence University of Malaysia
                                               2 University of Malaya

                  Wind direction data is important in meteorological studies as the knowledge
                  of  wind  direction  may  contribute  to  accurate  estimation  of  real  power
                  transmission capacity. The nature of the data is circular and is represented in
                  the form of degree or radians. This paper discusses on modelling simultaneous
                  linear functional relationship for multivariate circular wind direction data in
                  Kota Kinabalu coastal station in Malaysia during northeast monsoon for three
                  consecutive  years.  The  three  variables  of  the  wind  direction  data  are
                  considered with the von Mises distribution. The rotation parameter and the
                  concentration  parameter  are  estimated  using  the  maximum  likelihood
                  estimation. It is found that the error concentration of wind direction is less
                  concentrated and dispersed over the three-year period.

                  wind  direction  data;  multivariate  circular  data;  rotation  parameter;  error
                  concentration parameter; statistical modelling

                  1.  Introduction
                      Unlike many other linear variables such as the wind speed and ozone level,
                  the  wind  direction  has  to  be  dealt  differently  in  statistical  analysis
                  (Jammalamadaka  and  Lund  (2006)).  The  circumference  of  circular  random
                  variables is a bounded closed space and different from the usual Euclidean
                  type  variables  (Hussin  et  al.  (2004)).  This  is  because  a  two-dimensional
                  direction of circular variable is represented as a point on the circumference of
                  a circle. The application of the conventional linear techniques on circular data
                  may  result  paradoxes  (Lovell  et  al.  (1991)).  A  circular  observation  may  be
                  regarded as a unit vector in a plane, or as a point on a circle of unit radius.
                  Each  circular  observation  may  be  specified  by  the  angle  from  the  initial
                  direction to the point on the circle corresponding to the observation once an
                  initial direction and an orientation of the circle have been chosen. Data are
                  usually measured in degrees or in radians. Because of the wrapped around
                  nature of angles, circular data cannot escape very far from each other and
                  certainly not able to hide from view (Fisher (1993), Mardia and Jupp (2000)).

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