Page 409 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 409

CPS1911 Nurkhairary A. M. et al.
                The  values  of  the  variable  in  the  model  are  estimated  with  iteration
            procedure and given by

                The concentration parameter is derived based on the maximum likelihood
            method as well. It is given by

                In 2003, Caires and Wyatt noted that the correction factor for the estimate
            of concentration parameter. Thus the correction factor of the concentration
            for  this  model  becomes      where  is  the  number  of  equations  in  the
            simultaneous relationship. Therefore, the estimation of the error concentration
            parameter is

            3.  Result
                In  the  preliminary  analysis,  we  perform  univariate  analysis  where  the
            distribution of the north east wind direction is described graphically using rose
            diagram. Figures 2 to 4 show the rose diagram for the years 2015 to 2017.
            From the plots, the pattern is different for each of the year. If our aim is to
            study  the  relationship  of  the  three  data  sets,  one  can  consider  the
            simultaneous linear functional relationship model.
                For the three consecutive years of 2015, 2016 and 2017, the wind direction
            data of Kota Kinabalu in northeast monsoon is plotted in rose diagram in
            Figure 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Rose diagram is a circular chart to display data
            that contain direction. It looks like a pie chart but the observations fall in the
            range of angles.

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