Page 404 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 404

CPS1900 Ágnes P.
                  deadline or found the period too short. In the future these percentage can be
                  lowered by efficient email communication.
                      The  next  figure  shows  all  the  other  reasons  of  not  completing  the
                  questionnaire  on-line  (Figure  6.).  Among  the  reasons  the  technical  one  is
                  which  cannot  be  improved  by  HCSO.  But  less  complicated  questions,  or
                  shorter questionnaire and carefully planned reminders can help to increase
                  share of CAWI.
                              Figure 6. Reasons of not finishing the questionnaire
                                                     2%    Other
                                                     5%    Could not find the right answer
                                                     6%    Application was tooo slow
                                                     6%    Questionnaire was too long
                                                    10%    Did not have all the information
                                                    10%    Did not have enough time

                                                    13%    Forgot to finish by deadline

                                                    23%    Technical problems

                                                    24%    Found questionnaire very complicated
                      10% of farmers who did not even log in the online application said that
                  they  did  not  know  about  the  census.  The  ones  who  knew  about  the  data
                  collection got this information mostly by mail. And though 73% of them had
                  internet connection 82% of them  said that they ask for consultant help to
                  apply for subsidies. It remains a challenge to educate these farmers that they
                  would be able to fill questionnaires and other forms online by themselves as
                  30% of them said the did not complete the questionnaire simply because of
                  the lack of IT knowledge (Figure 7.).
                               Figure 7. Reasons of not starting the questionnaire

                                                 33%   Other

                                                 30%   Lack of IT knowledge

                                                 36%   Forgot to complete questionnaire by deadline

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