Page 405 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 405

CPS1900 Ágnes P.
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                The analysis of the two data collection phases helps to prepare for the
            Agricultural Census 2020. The work connection with that has started already
            in Hungary. We would like to use all the experiences, lessons learned and best
            practices  originated  from  this  Orchard  Survey,  as  Agricultural  Census  will
            involve much higher number of farmers. And it can be only cost efficient if
            more farmers fill the questionnaire online than during the last Farm Structure
            Survey, when it was only 16%.
                As a summary during these couple of months as a by-product of the data
            collection  official  statistics  on  agriculture  got  higher  public  and  media
            attention. More users became aware of the available agricultural statistics, and
            different data collections on this field. It turned out it is important for the
            respondents to be engaged and to be involved more into the data collection.
            It helps if data respondents are data users at the same time, because this can
            also increase significantly their commitment.

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