Page 413 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 413

CPS1914 Ayu P.

                           Study of the role of young entrepreneurs in
                         creative sector era of industrial revolution 4.0 in
                                          Ayu Paramudita
                             Statistics Indonesia-BPS, Jakarta, Indonesia

            Indonesia is preparing for the era of digital information technology, known as
            the 4.0 Industrial Revolution. The 4.0 Industrial Revolution will bring Indonesia
            to be the world's 10 largest economy. Pursuing this great vision, the main
            resource that should be developed is human capital. In recent demographic
            bonus  period,  Indonesia  has  abundantly  young-age  population.  The
            abundance of Indonesian youth treasure great potential for the growth of the
            nation’s  economy.  On  the  other  hand,  unwell-prepared  of  youth  in  facing
            information technology era can be a threat. In the 4.0 Industrial Revolution
            era, labour rivalry is no longer only with human, but also even with robot.
            Instead of contributing for the nation, the youth who are not ready to evolve
            can  be  a  burden  of  the  nation.  Therefore,  this  study  aims  to  analyse  the
            potential role of Indonesian youth in boosting the nation's economy in the 4.0
            Industrial  Revolution  era.  This  study  is  only  focusing  on  the  4.0  Industrial
            Revolution  issue  in  terms  of  youth  as  entrepreneurs  in  creative  economy
            sector (henceforth named youthpreneur). Descriptive analysis is used as the
            methodology in this study to present how potential of creative youthpreneur
            in graphs. In general, the positive signal of Indonesian youth contribution in
            achieving the 4.0 Industrial  Revolution goal, being the world’s 10 greatest
            economy,  has  actually  been  existed.  Through  creative  economy  sector,
            dominant role of youthpreneur in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution era tends to
            be  on  novelty  subsector,  such  as  application  and  game  developer,  visual
            communication design, and photography. The youthpreuner is also superior
            on  managing  computer  and  internet-based  business  and  developing  the
            business  by  partnership  compared  to  the  non-youthpreuner.  Moreover,
            workers who work for business managed by youthpreneur are more certified
            than  those  who  work  in  non-youthpreneur’s  business.  In  spite  of  it,  the
            excellence of youth, the millennial generation of Indonesia, is a potential that
            must be developed continually along with global revolution. Both government
            and stakeholders should be in charge and work together to build education
            system leading to the 4.0 Industrial Revolution. In addition, the youth have to
            prepare  the  self-sufficient  youthpreneurs  mental  as  the  nation’s  economy
            foundation in the era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution.

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