Page 416 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 416

CPS1914 Ayu P.

                     Graph 2. Percentage of Creative Establishment in Using Computer and
                                      Internet by Entrepreneur Age, 2016

                      The  scope  of  information  technology  in  4.0  Industrial  Revolution  is
                  broader than the use of computer and internet. It is related to computation,
                  internet  of  things,  automation,  and  robotization.  However,  the  use  of
                  computer and internet can be simply used as the 4.0 Industrial Revolution
                  indicator, especially for the MSE. Computer and internet can be utilized for
                  not only making business report, but also designing product, marketing, and
                  e-commerce as well. Moreover, it can help the business to reach international
                  market so that the creative product export will raise.
                      In  terms  of  creative  economy  subsector,  Indonesia  is  dominated  by
                  culinary, crafting, and fashion establishments. Yet, the use of computer and
                  internet  on  these  subsectors  in  MSE  is  the  lowest  as  shown  by  Graph  3.
                  Youthpreneur of MSE tends to use computer and internet on application and
                  game developer, visual communication design, and photography subsector.
                  In  MLE,  youthpreneur  on  culinary,  fashion,  and  film,  animation,  and  video
                  subsector  use  computer  and  internet  the  most  in  running  the  business.
                  Generally, the low use of computer and internet can be seen as a challenge
                  for young generation to improve the skill in technology.

                   Graph 3. Percentage of the Use of Computer and Internet of Establishment
                    Conducted by Young Entrepreneur by Creative Economy Subsector, 2016

                                                                     405 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   411   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421