Page 414 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 414

CPS1914 Ayu P.
                  creative economy; descriptive statistics; youth; 4.0 Industrial Revolution

                  1.  Introduction
                      Indonesia  is  preparing  for  the  era  of  digital  information  technology,
                  known as the 4.0 Industrial Revolution. The 4.0 Industrial Revolution will bring
                  Indonesia to be the world's 10 largest economy. Pursuing this great vision, the
                  main resource that should be developed is human capital.
                      In recent demographic bonus period, Indonesia has abundantly young-
                  age  population.  Statistics  Indonesia-BPS  (2018b)  states  Indonesian  youth
                  population in 2018 was 63,82 million people. Based on The Law number 40 of
                  2019,  youth  is  a  group  of  16-30  years  old  people.  The  abundance  of
                  Indonesian youth treasures a great potential of the growth of the nation’s
                      On  the  other  hand,  unwell-prepared  of  youth  in  facing  information
                  technology era can be a threat. In the 4.0 Industrial Revolution era, labour
                  rivalry is no longer only with human,  but also  even with robot. Instead of
                  contributing for the nation, the youth who are not ready to evolve can be a
                  burden of the nation. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the potential role
                  of Indonesian youth in boosting the nation's economy in the 4.0 Industrial
                  Revolution era.

                  2.  Methodology
                      This paper uses descriptive analysis to present how potential of creative
                  youthpreneur  in  graphs.  The  data  that  is  used  is  Economic  Census  2016-
                  Continued of BPS. It is selected based on 16 creative economy subsectors; 1.
                  Architecture; 2. Interior Design; 3. Visual Communication Design; 4. Product
                  Design; 5. Film, Animation, and Video; 6. Photography; 7. Crafting; 8. Culinary;
                  9. Music; 10. Fashion; 11. Application and Game Developer; 12. Publishing; 13.
                  Advertising; 14. Television and Radio; 15. Performing Arts; 16. Arts.

                  3.  Result
                      Discussing  about  youth,  the  idea,  creativity,  and  innovation  can’t  be
                  separated from young people. These elements are extra values for the youth
                  in contributing creative economy sector. Creative economy sector is relevantly
                  associated  with  the  4.0  Industrial  Revolution.  The  Director  of  Distribution
                  Statistics  of  Statistics  Indonesia-BPS,  Anggoro  Dwitjahyono,  states  that
                  creativity in creative economy is not only about creating artistic and cultural
                  work, but also creating work based on science and technology, engineering,
                  innovation, and information technology. Lai (2007) also interprets creativity as
                  the generation of new ideas that were harnessed by thoughtful design to
                  produce innovation for the economy.

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