Page 415 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 415

CPS1914 Ayu P.
                Based on BPS (2017), Indonesia had 8 million creative establishments in
            2016.  More  than  90  percent  of  them  were  classified  to  micro  and  small
            establishments whose workers were in average 1-4 workers.
                In creative economy sector, the number youth as entrepreneurs has not
            dominated both in micro and small establishment (MSE) and medium and
            large establishment (MLE). Creative youthpreneur, 16-30 years old, was only
            8,73 percent in 2016. The low dominance of young entrepreneur is indicated
            by the age factor of young people who tend to be still in school age. Graph 1
            shows that in range 16-30 years old, the number of creative youthpreneur is
            increasing  in  line  with  the  increasing  of  age’s  entrepreneur.  Although  the
            dominance of youthpreneur was generally low, the MLE (8,90 percent) had
            higher dominance of youthpreneur than the MSE (8,71 percent).

             Graph 1. Distribution of Creative Establishments by Entrepreneur Age, 2016
                                            (in percent)

                Assessing creative economy sector in term of the perspective of the 4.0
            Industrial Revolution can be conducted through the use of technology. BPS
            (2018a) reveals that MSE in Indonesia still run the business conventionally.
            This  is  shown  by  the  low  use  of  computer  and  internet  in  managing  the
            business. On the other hand, MLE shows higher use of computer and internet.
                Graph 2 shows that young entrepreneur of MSE who uses computer and
            internet for business is 21,58 percent. Otherwise, it is only 11,48 percent of the
            group of non- young entrepreneur, whose age is over 30 years old, that uses
            computer  and  internet.  Although  the  number  of  youthpreneur  hasn’t
            dominated in creative economy sector, the use of computer and internet by
            this group is higher than the non-youthpreneur group, both in MSE and MLE.
            The higher use of computer and internet indicates that young entrepreneur is
            more competent in applying technology to do the business than the non-
            young entrepreneur group.

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