Page 419 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 419

CPS1914 Ayu P.
            4.   Discussion and Conclusion
                Creative MSE can be seen as a potential economic generator for Indonesia.
            Its amount is numerous compared to MLE because it is easily established.
            Although  MSE’s  share  of  gross  domestic  product  is  relative  small,  it  can
            employ many workers in facing bonus of demography. Comparing to MLE,
            creative MSE needs more improvement on technology use, partnership, and
            guidance  in  operating  business.  Due  to  the  importance  MSE’s  role,  the
            ministry of industry takes MSE as one of national priority in Making Indonesia
            4.0 roadmap.
                On  the  other  side,  positive  signal  of  Indonesian  youth  contribution  in
            pursuing goal of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution; the world's 10 largest economy,
            has actually been existed. Through creative economy sector, the dominance
            of young entrepreneur in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution era tends to be on
            novelty  subsectors,  such  as  application  and  game  developer,  visual
            communication design, photography, culinary, fashion, film, animation, and
            video as well. The youthpreneur is better than nonyouthpreneur in conducting
            technology-based business and developing the business through partnership
            system. Besides in terms of level of labour certification, youthpreneur tends
            to hire more certified workers.
                The superiority of Indonesian young generation is a potential that must
            be continually built up along with global development. Therefore, the Minister
            of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto, said that education curriculum of Indonesia
            would be changed by emphasizing on Science, Technology, Engineering, the
            Arts,  and  Mathematics  (STEAM)  and  improving  the  quality  of  vocational
            school.  So,  the  youth  will  be  better  prepared  for  facing  4.0  Industrial
                In  addition  to  formal  education,  encouraging  youth  mentality  is  also
            important to form the selfsufficient youth. Entrepreneurship can be a solution
            to  the  youth  unemployment  rate  that  is  higher  than  the  national
            unemployment  rate,  as  revealed  by  the  World  Bank  Lead  Economist,  Vivi
            Alatas,  in  Young  age  can’t  be  an  excuse  as  barrier  to  be  a
            successful entrepreneur. Research of Javier Miranda from Statistics Bureau of
            USA and Pierre Azoulay from MIT stated that most of the founders of business
            in the United States in the past few years have been successful at an average
            age of 45 years and founders in their 20s are the most likely to succeed in
            building their company.
                At least, there are some things that young people need to embed inside
            themself  in  the  era  of  the  4.0  Industrial  Revolution.  First,  youth  shouldn’t
            hesitate  to  become  tough  independent  entrepreneur  by  having  idea,
            innovation, and creativity. Second, youth should have initiative to develop
            selfimprovement through education, training, and course. Third, youth should
            be  open  and  ready  to  the  fast  evolving  of  information  technology.  Thus,

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