Page 422 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 422

CPS1915 Han G. et al.
                  semi-automatic extraction of key information from raw data (Written & Frank,
                  2005; Moro et al.,2014). Kukar et al. (2010) proposed an integrative approach
                  of  data  mining  and  decision  support:  data  mining  based  decision  support
                  system, which facilitate the users to make more beneficial decisions.
                      In Moro et al.’s (2014) research, they compared four DM models, namely,
                  logistic regression (LR), decision tree (DT), artificial neural network (ANN) as
                  well  as  support  vector  machine  (SVM),  and  the  results  showed  that  ANN
                  outperformed other  models.  However,  they  failed  to  specify  the activation
                  function used in their ANN model. In this research, we applied ANN models
                  with two different activation functions in the hidden layer, namely, sigmoid
                  function and hyperbolic tangent (tanh) function, to predict and compare the
                  bank client’s behaviour, i.e. whether the client will subscribe a term deposit or
                      The  rest  of  the  paper  is  organized  as  follows:  Section  2  presents  the
                  methodology  (ANN)  and  dataset  (bank  telemarketing  data)  used  in  this
                  research,  and  Section  2.1  and  2.2  discuss  the  sigmoid  and  tanh  functions,
                  respectively; Section 3 describes the results from two ANN models with two
                  different activation functions; a brief discussion and conclusion are drawn in
                  Section 4.

                  2.  Methodology
                      ANN is a highly popular technique in machine learning area, such as image
                  recognition (Sun et al., 2005) and natural language processing (Petitto et al.,
                  2000). The idea of ANN was inspired by the biological neural networks (Jain et
                  al. 1996). Artificial and biological NN share some similarities, especially the
                  transmission mechanism (see Figure 1).

                          Figure 1. Biological (left) and artificial (right) neural networks

                      Building a NN model contains a training and testing procedure. During the
                  training process, it is vital to select the initial hyperparameter values and keep
                  adjusting them in order to obtain a reliable and robust model. In the testing
                  procedure, the model performance should be evaluated using some indices,
                  such as confusion matrix. The entire model-building process can be divided
                  into five major steps:
                      (1)  Defining the neural network structure;

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