Page 424 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 424

CPS1915 Han G. et al.
                                         ℎ () = ( −  − ) / ( +  − ).        (4)
                  In order to make more sense of the relationship between sigmoid and tanh
                  function, we describe the relationship mathematically shown below:
                                         ℎ () = 2  (2) − 1,         (5)
                  which indicates that tanh is a rescaled sigmoid function. The first derivative of
                  tanh function can be expressed as follows:
                                         ′ ℎ () = 1 − (( −  − )/( +  − ))       (6)
                  which can be rewritten as Equation (7) in order to embody the relationship
                  between tanh function and its derivative,
                                                ′ ℎ () = 1 − ℎ ().         (7)
                  In order to have a more clear sense of the sigmoid and tanh function, Figure
                  2 gave a description as follows:

                                      Figure 2. Sigmoid and tanh functions

                      The dataset used in this research is from UCI Machine Learning Repository
                  contributed by Moro et al. (2014). The dataset is related to the bank clients’
                  information collected from a Portuguese banking institution from May 2008
                  to  November  2010.  It  includes  41188  samples,  which  were  divided  into  a
                  training set (80%) and a test set (20%) in a chronological order. There are
                  totally 20 input features. The inputs can be classified into 4 categories: bank
                  client data (including 7 features), variables related with the last contact of the
                  current  campaign  (including  4  features),  social  and  economic  context
                  attributes (including 5 features) and other attributes (including 4 features). The
                  output  feature  is  a  binary  variable:  whether  a  client  will  subscribe  a  term
                  deposit  or  not.  Due  to  the  limited  space,  we  failed  to  give  a  detailed
                  description  of  all  input  variables,  which  can  be  referred  to  the  website:
         For the same reason,
                  the  detailed  information,  such  as  means  and  standard  deviation  for  the
                  quantitative variables and the quartiles for the categorical variables, of the
                  dataset  also failed  to  be  displayed  in  the  text, which  is  available  from the
                  corresponding author. In order to standardize the range of the input features,
                  feature  scaling  was  used  to  map  the  raw  dataset  to  [0,1],  which  can  be
                  expressed as follows:
                                  = ( −  , )/( ,  −  , ),  = 1,2, … , ,      (8)
                                                                     413 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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