Page 428 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 428

CPS1915 Han G. et al.
                      (3)  All experiments were conducted between tanh-sigmoid combo (Model
                         I)  and  sigmoid-sigmoid  combo  (Model  II).  The  activation  function
                         combos can be more multiple, for example, tanh-tanh, ReLU-sigmoid.
                      (4)  In  this  research,  only  NN  models  were  applied  and  compared  to
                         417 nalyse  the  bank  clients’  data.  Several  other  machine  learning
                         models, like DT and SVM, also have quite good prediction capacity. In
                         the  future,  the  comparison  experiments  between  different  kinds  of
                         models can be conducted. After conducting these several work goals,
                         the NN model performance may have a more satisfactory and robust

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