Page 431 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 431

CPS1916 Erica P. et al.
            in standard analyses. In particular, the measurement of environmental and
            pollutant  variables  is  often  very  likely  to  be  affected  by  error,  due  to
            instrumental imprecision as well as spatial variability (Goldman et al., 2011).
            Some methods have been proposed to correct for ME in environmental and
            pollution exposure variables (Dominici et al., 2000; Strand et al., 2006) and
            calibration is starting to be performed thanks to the availability of personal
            monitoring exposures (PEM), but the problem still needs further thinking and
                Thanks  to  their  general  applicability  and  lack  of  strong  assumptions,
            Bayesian  approaches  to  the  problem  may  provide  a  general framework  to
            work on and software like INLA (Rue et al., 2009), STAN (STAN Development
            Team, 2017) and JAGS (Plummer, 2003) could promote their use in practical
            applications also among scientists without a strong statistical background. The
            Bayesian framework provides a very flexible way to account for measurement
            error and to model different error types and dependency structures in the
            data.  Moreover,  the  possibility  to  include  prior  knowledge  on  the  error
            components can result in better models and more accurate estimations and
            the possibility to model several fixed and random effects, as well as different
            link  functions,  adds  flexibility  and  general  applicability  to  the  methods.
            Examples  of  Bayesian  approaches  used  in  ME  problems  can  be  found  in
            Wilkinson (2013); Stoklosa et al. (2014); Velasquez-Tibata et al. (2015), Muff et
            al. (2015, 2017).
                In the present study, we propose to apply these techniques to correct for
            measurement  error  in  environmental  exposures  when  considering  their
            association with high-throughput molecular data. We apply our methods to a
            randomized  crossover  trial,  the  Oxford  Street  II  Study,  whose  aim  was  to
            investigate the association between short-term exposure to traffic related air
            pollution and perturbation of metabolic pathways.

            2.  Methodology
                The data we use here stem from the Oxford Street Study, a randomized
            crossover trial in which 60 volunteers walked for two hours in a traffic-free area
            (Hyde Park)  and in a  busy shopping street (Oxford Street) of London. The
            walking  experiments  were  performed  on  non-rainy  weekdays  only,  from
            November to March 2003-2005, to avoid confounding from rain or pollen.
            Information  on  age,  sex,  BMI,  blood  pressure,  distance  walked,  diet  and
            medication use was collected for each participant. For  each individual and
            each exposure session, three blood samples were collected: two hours before
            walking,  two  hours  after  walking  and  24  hours  after  walking,  on  which
            untargeted metabolomics analyses were performed.
                Finally,  real-time  measurements  of  noise,  temperature  and  relative
            humidity were obtained at each exposure session. A more detailed description

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