Page 433 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 433

CPS1916 Erica P. et al.
                Such formulation was included in the model by adding a latent variable for
            the exposure, namely a normally distributed variable with mean equal to 0 and
            variance equal to the error variance, and modelling the error variance with a
            Berkson framework. The same priors were used as in the classical case.
                Another source of imprecision and possible bias in the assessment of the
            association between omic signals and TRAP exposure is potentially given by
            the formulation of independent models for each omic feature. Dependency
            across metabolic features is very likely to occur in practice, first of all because
            5749  different  features  are  sampled  and  analysed  from  the  same  60
            individuals,  and  second  because  they  all  reflect  metabolic  pathways  and
            phenomena that are highly correlated in each individual. The resulting model
            was formulated as follows:

            where  the  response  variable  followed  a  multivariate  normal  distribution
             ~  (0,   ∑ ) , with ∑  denoting the covariance matrix of the omics signals
            and all variances were given a gamma prior with shape and scale equal to 0.01,
            in consistency with the univariate model.
                Finally,  the  Bayesian  hierarchical  structures  were  further  generalized  to
            account for correlation among exposure to different pollutants. The resulting
            model was formulated as follows:

            3.   Result
                As expected, the inclusion of a classical measurement error term resulted
            in  different  estimates  of  the  association  between  omic  signals  and  TRAP
            measurements, compared to the naive model which does not include such
            term.  Note  that  the  presence  of  classical  measurement  error  in  pollutant
            measures can cause bias in different directions, and that the effect, as well as
            the direction of the error correction, is not evident a priori.
                On the other hand, including a Berkson measurement error did not change
            the estimates quantitatively, as expected from theory. See Figure (1) for the
            distribution of regression coefficients using the three models, using JAGS.

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