Page 435 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 435

CPS1916 Erica P. et al.
                This is certainly a major advantage of using Bayesian hierarchical models,
            which provide a general adaptable way to formulate a broad range of models
            and structures, as in our case measurement error or dependency structures,
            and more generally any additional random effect which might be needed in
            the analysis. Moreover, the use of a Bayesian framework allows to incorporate
            prior knowledge in the analysis, for example about the error component and
            parameters,  as  well  as  to  reflect  the  prior  uncertainty  in  the  posterior
            distributions  of  parameters  of  interest.  Of  course,  this  requires  some
            knowledge about the error component, in order to properly formulate the
            measurement  error  level  and  to  assign  reasonable  priors.  Note  that  this
            requirement is not specific to the Bayesian framework, but rather to any error
            modelling strategies. In fact, it is always necessary to know the error structure
            (i.e.  classical  measurement  error  and  its  distribution),  as  well  as  the  error
            variance, in order to formulate an identifiable error model (Gustafson, 2005).
            In practice, it is not always straightforward to obtain such information, and
            often assumptions about the error distribution and parameters are vague or
            potentially incorrect. The advantage of Bayesian models is that the uncertainty
            in such assumptions can easily be accounted for and propagated to posterior
            distributions of corrected estimates.

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                Air Pollution Epidemiology: Effect of Error Type in Time-Series Studies.”
                Environmental Health 10 (61).
            5.  Gustafson, P. 2005. “On Model Expansion, Model Contraction,
                Identifiability and Prior Information: Two Illustrative Scenarios Involving
                Mismeasured Variables.” Statistical Science 20: 111–40.
            6.  Muff, S., M. Ott, J. Braun, and L. Held (2017). “Bayesian two-component
                measurement error modelling for survival analysis using INLA - A case
                study on cardiovascular disease mortality in Switzerland.” Computational
                Statistics and Data Analysis 113, 177–193.

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