Page 438 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 438

CPS1917 Trijya S.
                  exponential  distributions.  The  two-component  mixture  of  exponential
                  distributions is given by,

                                          1                       1          
                          (|  ) =  ∙  ∙  (− ) + (1  −  ) ∙  )  (− ),     (1)
                               1 2
                                           1       1             2       2
                  where   ≥  0,    >  0, 0  ≤  ≤ 1.
                                 1 2
                      With the availability of efficient optimization algorithms and easy access
                  to  high  speed  computers,  the  method  of  maximum  likelihood  gained
                  popularity  for  the  purpose  of  estimating  parameters  of  mixture  models.
                  Nevertheless, since parameters occur nonlinearly in the likelihood function,
                  several  problems  arise  due  to  the  rough  surface  of  the  likelihood  and  the
                  singularities therein. There could be instances where the likelihood function is
                  unbounded and maximum likelihood estimates (MLE's) may not exist. Kiefer
                  & Wolfowitz (1956) cited an example involving a mixture of two univariate
                  normal densities for which MLE's do not exist. Hosmer (1973, 1974) showed
                  through simulation that even for reasonable sample sizes and initial estimates,
                  iterative sequence of MLE's does not converge to particular values associated
                  with  singularities.  In  the  case  of  a  mixture  of  two  univariate  normal
                  distributions,  Hosmer  (1973)  asserted  that  if  the  sample  size  is  small  and
                  component  distributions  are  poorly  separated,  then  maximum  likelihood
                  estimates should be `used with extreme caution or not at all'. Hosmer (1978)
                  has demonstrated that estimates obtained by the method of moments and
                  the method of moment generating functions outperform maximum likelihood
                  estimates in such situations.
                      One of the iterative procedures which is popular in the case of mixture
                  models is the non-derivative based expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm.
                  The  second  category  of  iterative  procedures  includes  derivative  based
                  algorithms like the Newton-Raphson and Marquardt-Levenberg algorithms.
                  Whichever  algorithm  is  used,  it  would  need  good  initial  estimates  for  fast
                  convergence to the global maxima. If initial estimates are poor, convergence
                  may  be  slow,  or  the algorithm  may converge  to  a  local  maxima.  It  is  also
                  possible that in some ill-conditioned situations, convergence may not occur
                  at all. Thus, we need at least two sets of good initial estimates to ensure that
                  convergence occurs to the same values which provide the global maxima.
                      For the model in (1), Rider (1961) proposed the method of moments for
                  estimating  parameters  ,   and . Considering  , . . . ,   to  be  a  random
                  sample from the distribution in (1), Rider equated the first three theoretical
                  raw moments of (1) to the corresponding sample raw moments  ,  ,, and
                   ,  and after extensive algebra, obtained the following quadratic equation,

                      6(2  −  )  +  2(  − 3  )  + 3  − 2   =  0       (2)
                  The two real roots   and    of equation (2), if they exist, will yield estimates
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