Page 439 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 439

CPS1917 Trijya S.
            of   and    and consequently, an  estimate of the mixing proportion  as
                                                  −  ̂
                                              =   1   2
                However, in mixture models, the behavior of tails is important, since these
            are normally long or  thicker  tail distributions. By considering only  the first
            three raw moments, Rider ignored the long tail effect of the mixture model.
            To incorporate information about the tail behavior, use of the fourth moment
            is essential. In this paper, a methodology is proposed to address these issues.
            We propose to obtain the estimates of theoretical moments based on a simple
            quadrature  formula  of  numerical  integration  and  the  extrapolated  tail  end
            contributions  to  the  moments.  We  further  incorporate  the  nature  of  tail
            behavior by using the fourth moment in the estimation of the parameters of
            equation (1). We have applied the proposed methodology to estimate the
            parameters of an extremely useful model used in pharmacokinetic analysis
            that is used to study the behavior of drugs in the bodies of human beings and
            animals. We have also compared the performance of our methods to that of
            an existing method used by Shah (1973), for which the data and estimates are

            2.   Methodology
                Without    loss    of   generality,   we    assume     that    in   (1),
              >  . The   raw moment of (1) is given by

                                      = ∫  (| ,  , ).             (3)
            We propose to estimate the integral involved in (3) using a simple trapezoidal
            interpolation formula of numerical integration. For this we use an estimate of
            density  based  on  a  histogram  of  the  data     =  1, . . . ,  .  We  divide  the
            domain space of data values into bins (class intervals) and count the number
            of  sample  points  falling  in  each  bin.  Let  ℎ ()  be  a  smooth  function
            representing the curve on which top mid points of the bars erected on the
            bins lie. The function ℎ () would be close to the kernel function of density
            from which the sample has been drawn for all  . Let   = ∫ ℎ ()   be the
            area under curve (AUC). Now, if we know the estimate of AUC, say , then
            ℎ (  )  is the estimate of the density at point  . The AUC is given by

                                      = ∫ ℎ ()   =  +                   (4)
                                                               428 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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