Page 443 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 443

CPS1917 Trijya S.
              ( )  without  an  intercept  term.  That  is,  () =  () +  ().  This
            provides the estimates  and .
                The fitted values of the observations obtained using the method in Shah
            (1973), method 1, method 2 and the ‘nls’ package in R version 3.2.2 are given
            in  the  top  half  of  Table  1.  The  initial  estimates  of  the  parameters,
            corresponding residual sum of squares (RSS) and the number of iterations
            required for convergence to the global optimum values for all four methods
            are  given  in  the  bottom  half  of  Table  1.  For  obtaining  fitted  values  and
            parameter estimates using the ‘nls’ R package, we have employed estimates
            obtained from method
            Table  1:  Parameter  estimates,  fitted  values,  residual  sum  of  squares  (RSS),
            mean absolute percent error (MAP E) and number of iterations for the Shah’s
            method, proposed methods and ‘nls’ R package.
                  t       Observations   Shah’s   Method 1   Method 2     ‘nls’ Package
                 0          0.7000      -0.7910    -0.6309     0.6572        0.6879
                 1          1.2000      0.6807     1.4576      1.5327        1.2420
                 2          1.4000      1.2398     1.5302      1.4628        1.3869
                 3          1.4000      1.3819     1.3718      1.2959        1.3496
                 4          1.2380      1.3417     1.2050      1.1365        1.2383
                 5          1.1000      1.2276     1.0554      0.9952        1.1038
                 6          0.9650      1.0947     0.9241      0.8713        0.9691
                 7          0.8000      0.9608     0.8090      0.7628        0.8441
                 8          0.7312      0.8368     0.7083      0.6678        0.7314
                 9          0.6000      0.7257     0.6201      0.5846        0.6323
                 10         0.5456      0.6280     0.5428      0.5118        0.5455
                 11         0.5000      0.5426     0.4752      0.4481        0.4709
                 12         0.4057      0.4686     0.4161      0.3923        0.4060
                 13         0.3497      0.4045     0.3642      0.3434        0.3499
                 14         0.3013      0.3491     0.3189      0.3007        0.3016
                 15         0.3000      0.3012     0.2792      0.2632        0.2599
                 A                      -3.5483    -2.3190    -1.2780     -1.7354 (0.1304)
                 α                      0.7369     1.7379      2.0682     1.8362 (0.0665)
                 B                      2.7573     2.0592      1.9352     1.7485 (0.1316)
                 β                      0.1476     0.1331      0.1330     0.1488 (0.0062)
                RSS                     2.6336     1.8629      0.1684             0.0101
             MAPE (%)                   26.8191    12.8614     7.7026             2.5529
              Iterations                  9           8          5
            Figures in parentheses represent estimates of standard errors.

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