Page 447 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 447

CPS1922 Imran K. et al.
                Statistics  has  certainly  benefited  from  the  developments  in  computer
            technology  and  statistical  software  is  now  accessible  to  a  wide  audience,
            however,  the  complexity  of  the  questions  under  study  in  most  disciplines
            requires at least some form of expertise related to data analysis. The problem
            is that most researchers don’t have time to acquire this specialized knowledge
            along with the practical experience to apply it appropriately. There is a need
            to  involve  someone  who  understands  the  scientific  process  and  has  the
            quantitative  skills  to  full  fill  this  important  role:  the  statistical  consultant
            (Cabrera and McDougall, 2002).
                The  researchers  conduct  the  experiments  or  surveys  to  answer  their
            research  question  (RQ).  To  answer  the  RQ  different  types  of  errors  are
            committed like errors of Type I or Type II and Type III. In statistical hypothesis
            testing while making a decision on the basis of a sample sometimes we may
            fail to accept a correct null hypothesis (H0). Thus rejecting H0 when it’s true is
            called Type I error e.g. a subject is declared having the disease (false positive)
            when in fact it’s healthy. Similarly, if a researcher fails to reject an incorrect
            H0i.e. accept H0 when in fact it’s false is called Type II error e.g., a subject is
            declared healthy (false negative) when in fact it’s having the disease. Errors of
            Type I and Type II are due to lack of evidence in the sample while the error of
            Type III (Kemball 1957) is due to lack of communication between researcher
            and the collaborator and, results in right answer to the wrong query. For the
            Type-IV error, the questions posed can be right but the answers can be wrong,
            the reasons for which are discussed in this paper.
                In the earlier days, everyone used to consult the specialists possessing the
            in-depth  knowledge  to  get  an  answer  to  a  particular  problem,  with  a
            threadbare discussion. But with the advent of computers along with internet
            everyone has become self-styled specialists in almost all fields, and statistics
            is not an exception. Google like other search engine sites is full of information
            but as far as knowledge is concerned it is way behind. As Rutherford has rightly
            said “we are drowning in information but lack knowledge”, the reason seems
            to  be  searching  everything  on  the  internet  instead  collaborating  with  the
            expert. The specialists have both information and knowledge. The drive for
            writing this paper is to make researchers aware of the Type IV error which they
            can commit, and in turn, leads to wastage of their hard work and resources
            they put in while conducting the research. Researchers can possess knowledge
            of their field but they can have only the information about other fields like

            2.  Methodology
                In this study 352 research papers were screened and 81 research papers
            were found to have Type-IV error. Since it is not possible to present all the
            findings hence a few cases have been discussed as an example. To maintain

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